The German nationwide documentary filmdays LETsDOK 2024, organized by the Association for the Promotion of Documentary Film Culture [Verein zur Förderung der Dokumentarfilmkultur] in Cologne and Partners all over Germany, take place for the fifth time and started as documentary day celebrating the 40th anniversary of the AG DOK, German Documentary Association in September 2020.



Here a selection of German documentary productions and co-productions in the program of the 5th edition of  LETsDOK showcasing all across Germany in September 2024 here. Find the screening dates via [LETsDOK]







 PUSHING BOUNDARIES by Lesia Kordonets
 When the Crimean peninsula was annexed by Russia in 2014, the Ukrainian Paralympic team lost their new training centre overnight...


... find all films in the program here.






as single page:
LETsDOK 2024
LETsDOK 2023
LETsDOK 2022
