Teenagers perform KONTAKTHOF by Pina Bausch



    Teenagers perform KONTAKTHOF by Pina Bausch


Teenagers perform KONTAKTHOF by Pina Bausch

by Rainer Hoffmann, Anne Linsel


Germany | 2009 | 92:00 min

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The dance performance KONTAKTHOF bears the unmistakable signature of Pina Bausch: it deals with forms of human contact, the encounters between the sexes, and the search for love and tenderness with all the attendant anxieties, yearnings and doubts. It is about feelings, which pose a big challenge, particularly for young people.For almost a year teenagers from over eleven schools in Wuppertal went on an emotional journey. Every Saturday, 40 students, aged between 14 to 18 years, rehearsed under the direction of the Bausch-dancers Jo-Ann Endicott and Bénédicte Billiet and under the intense super-vision of PinaBausch herself. The film DANCING DREAMS by Anne Linsel and Rainer Hoffmann accompanies the rehearsal process culminating in the opening night. We watch the teenagers making their first, still clumsy attempts to transform the subjects of the dance performance into motion and choreography and to develop an own, individual body expression. They discover themselves in a process, which leads great personal growth. Gentle and shy but also aggressive contacts condensate to individual experiences that many of the teenagers encounter for the first time on stage.Pina Bausch has always encouraged the young dancers "to be themselves." It is behind their own movements, fears, feelings and desires that their personal Dancing Dreams become visible. At the end each of them has not only grown up, but above all has become more self-confident, independent and more sceptical facing prejudices. Employing an unusual adjacency, the film introduces the young protagonists in sensitive ways, it culminates in drawing a portrait of an entire generation.Pina Bausch died on June 30th, 2009. "Dancing Dreams - Teenagers Perform "Kontakthof" by PinaBausch" shows the last motion pictures and the last interview with the world-famous dancer and choreographer.
Cast and Crew
  • Director Rainer Hoffmann, Anne Linsel
  • Screenwriter Anne Linsel
  • Director of Photography Thomas Kutschker, Rainer Hoffmann
  • Editor Mike Schlömer
Original Languages


Production Company
TAG/TRAUM Filmprod. GmbH
Apostelnstrasse 11, 50667 Köln

Phone: +49 221 65025900

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