The US-German artist W.H.D. Koerner created the first superhero comic "Hugo Hercules" in Chicago in 1902. Then he discovered his love for the Wild West, and became one of the master Western painters. To this day, his images shape the global visual memory of the so-called Wild West as they served as templates of the first Hollywood films. The image of the indigenous people conveyed in these films is meanwhile sharply criticized by them. Martina Fluck, together with the illustrator Tim Eckhorst, goes in search of traces of the artist in Germany and in the USA.With: Tim Eckhorst, Dr. Ashlea Espinal, Gisela Lindemann, Wiebke Kühl, Matthew Parbs, Michael Kearney, Carol Gilbert, Janice Hansen, Bill Misiewicz, Sharon Gissy, Frederick Parker, Nathan E. Bender, Aaron S. Kind, Oly Hugs