It’s probably every daughter’s worst nightmare: a postcard from Thailand that reads: “My darling, I’m doing great here, eating Pad Thai and drinking Chang Beer. And I met a woman who is your age. Love, Dad.”My father Dieter has changed a lot in the past couple of years. After separating from my mother, he exchanged his hiking boots for fip-fops and travels to Thailand every year for a couple of weeks. Sometimes he travels alone, sometimes with friends – all of whom are divorced and over 60. My father says that he is having the time of his life in Thailand. I think to myself: Oh my God, is my father a sex tourist? What does he want from a Thai woman, 30 years younger than him? And what the hell does she want from him?
My father and I travel to Thailand together, where I meet my almost stepmother and her family. Slowly but surely I begin to realize that there are no defnite answers to my various indignant questions.
HAPPY is an affectionate, ruthless, cheerful and very personal documentary about a father and his daughter, the search for happiness in the autumn years of life and the question of what love actually is when you are over 60 and afraid of growing old alone.