DAS KINO SIND WIR tells the story of cinema as social sculpture using the example of the Filmladen Kassel. In the early 1980s ten young film freaks started as a grassroots initiative – to change the world with (political) film art, increasingly by women too, to intervene in the social discussion, to make it more open, more equal and greener. Four decades later commercialisation, the digital revolution and the pandemic have changed cinema. In a collage of film clips, interviews and archive material, significant filmmakers and the cinema team explore questions about the meaning and future of engaged cinema culture.With Ulrike Ottinger, Gertrud Inkus, Monika Treut, Mala Reinhardt, Frauke Lodders, Andres Veiel, Thomas Frickel, Raymond ley, Klaus Stern,
Irmhild Scheuer, Burkhard Hofmann, Gerhard Wissner, Raymond Ley, Frank Thöner, David Le Grand, Ellen Witzel, Jasmin Weber, Christoph Basler.