19 festival days with 28 world premieres, 13 international premieres and 45 German premieres. Among the directors, men are only slightly in the majority this year with 51 percent. 45 percent of the filmmakers are female, 4 percent diverse. Find the entire programme here.
The main award VIKTOR of the DOK.international Competition, sponsored by BR – Bayerischer Rundfunk, is endowed with 10,000 Euros and will be awarded – among other prizes – at the festive awards ceremony on May 13, 2023 at Deutsches Theater München. Among the 12 nominated films are four german documentaries:
• BE WATER – VOICES FROM HONG KONG by Lia Erbal, 94min.
• JACKIE THE WOLF by Tuki Jencquel, 93min.
• LA EMPRESA by André Siegers, 90min.
• THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Lukasz Konopa, Emil Langballe, 104min.
LineUp German productions and co-productions:
- 27 STOREYS by Bianca Gleissingery, 90min, P: EGOLI TOSSEL FILM, mischief, DFFB, [BEST OF FESTS]
- 5 SEASONS OF REVOLUTION by Lina, 95min, WS:Deckert Distribution, [DOK.focus Power of Media?]
- ALL ROADS LEAD TO MORE by Afraa Batous, 78min, P: Tondowski Films, [Student Award]
- BE WATER – VOICES FROM HONG KONG by Lia Erbal, 94min, P:
- BORDER CONVERSATION by Jonathan Brunner, 30min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, [Student Award]
- BREAKTHROUGH STAGE | SPIELEN ODER NICHT SPIELEN by Kim Münster, Sebastian Bergfeld, 80min, P: NEW DOCS, [DOK.special]
- CAPITAL B. WHO OWNS BERLIN? | CAPITAL B. WEM GEHÖRT BERLIN? by Florian Opitz, 5x50min, P: Port au Prince Film & Kultur Produktion GmbH, Fruitmarket Arts & Media GmbH, [DOK.serie]
- DORPIE by Julia Jaki, 77min, P: Film Five, [DOK.horizonte Competition]
- EIGENTLICH EIGENTLICH JANUAR by Jan Peters, 100min, P: Jan Peters Filmproduktion, [BEST OF FESTS]_
- EINZELTÄTER TEIL 1: MÜNCHEN by Julian Vogel, 90min, P: CORSO Film- und Fernsehproduktion, 90min, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]_
- EREN by Maria Binder, 95min, P: Film Five GmbH, [DOK.guest Turkey]
- FACING TIME by Annett Ilijew, 82min, P: Annett Ilijew Filmproduktion, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- FLOATING ISLANDS by Nicolas Humbert, Simone Fürbringer, 95min, WS: Nicolas Humbert, [Munich Premieres]
- FOLLOWING VALERIA by Nicola Fegg, 33min, P: Chromosom Film, [DOK.education]
- FOR EVER | FÜR IMMER by Pia Lenz, 87min, P: PIER 53, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- FRAUEN IN LANDSCHAFTEN by Sabine Michel, 90min, P: solo:film, D: jip film & verleih, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- GOLDHAMMER by André Krummel, Pablo Ben Yakov, 93min, P: GLOTZENOFF Leers / Ben Yakov GbR, [DOK.focus Power of Media?]
- GRETA'S BIRTH | GRETAS GEBURT by Katja Baumgarten, 96min, P: viktoria11.de, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- HEAVEN CAN WAIT – WE LIVE NOW | HEAVEN CAN WAIT – WIR LEBEN JETZT by Sven Halfar, 120min, P: Heimathafen Film & Media GmbH, D: Mindjazz Pictures, [DOK.panorama]
- I FEEL YOUR SILENCE | ICH FÜHL' DEINE STILLE by Laura Heinig, 17min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, [Student Award]_
- IRON BUTTERFLIES by Roman Liubyi, 84min, coP: Trimafilm GmbH, [DOK.focus Power of Media?]
- JACKIE THE WOLF by Tuki Jencquel, 93min, WS: Deckert Distribution, P: Orinokia Filmproduktion UG, Les Films du Balibari, [DOK.international Competition]
- JONNY ISLAND by Petra Mäussnest, 94min, P: DOCDAYS, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- JUAN CARLOS: DOWNFALL OF THE KING | JUAN CARLOS – LIEBE, GELD, VERRAT by Anne von Petersdorff, Georg Tschurtschenthaler, 4x43min, P: gebrueder beetz filmproduktion, WS: NBCUniversal Global Distribution, [DOK.serie]_
- KICK IT LIKE A GIRL | KICKEN WIE EIN MÄDCHEN by Karin de Miguel Wessendorf, 2x45min, P: Karin de Miguel Wessendorf, [DOK.serie]
- LA EMPRESA by André Siegers, 94min, P: FÜNFERFILM UG, [DOK.international Competition]
- LIMINAL SPACE: DIVING WITHIN | LIMINAL SPACE: INS INNERE EINTAUCHEN by Anahita Safarnejad Choobary, 22min, P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, [Student Award]_
- LIGHT FALLS VERTICAL | ARE LA ILUM CAU VERTICAL by Efthymia Zymvragaki, 83min, coP: ThurnFilm GmbH, [DOK.panorama]
- METAL BATTLE GIRL by Andreas Wolff, 78min, P: Andreas Wolff Film, [Munich Premieres]
- NELE IN THE CLOUDS | NELE IN DEN WOLKEN by Bernadette Hauke, 24min, P: Pangolin Doxx Film, [DOK.education]
- ONCE WE WERE PITMEN | WIR WAREN KUMPEL by Christian Johannes Koch, Jonas Matauschek, 105min, Elemag Pictures, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- PLASTIC FANTASTIC by Isa Willinger, 102min, P: Trimafilm, [DOK.panorama]
- #RACEGIRL – THE COMEBACK OF SOPHIA FLÖRSCH | #RACEGIRL – DAS COMEBACK DER SOPHIA FLÖRSCH by Sonia Otto, 95min, P: gebrueder beetz filmproduktion, [Munich Premieres]
- SEVEN WINTERS TEHERAN by Steffi Niederzoll, 87min, P: Made In Germany, WS: Cercamon, [BEST OF FESTS]
- SHE CHEF | WANDERJAHRE by Melanie Liebheit, Gereon Wetzel, 100min, P: Horse&Fruits Filmproduktion OG, WS: MAGNETFILM, [Munich Premieres]
- STILL WATERS | STILLE WASSER by Kevin Koch, 29min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, [Student Award]
- TANJA – UP IN ARMS | TANJA – TAGEBUCH EINER GUERILLERA by Marcel Mettelsiefen, 84min, Dreamer Joint Venture Filmprod., [DOK.horizonte Competition]
- THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Lukasz Konopa, Emil Langballe, 104min, coP: CORSO Film, WS: dogwoof, [DOK.international Competition]
- THIS KIND OF HOPE by Pawel Siczek, 83min, composer: David Langhard, P: A Film Company GmbH, Departures Film GmbH, [German Documentary Film Music Prize]
- THOMAS SCHUETTE, I AM NOT ALONE | THOMAS SCHÜTTE, ICH BIN NICHT ALLEIN by Corinna Belz, 94min, P: Corinna Belz Filmproduktion, D: Real Fiction Filmverleih, [DOK.panorama]
- THREE WOMEN | DREI FRAUEN by Maksym Melnyk, 85min, P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, [Student Award]
- WAKING UP IN SILENCE by Daniel Asadi Faezi, Mila Zhluktenko, 17min, WS: Square Eyes, [Student Award]
- TIPPING POINT | AUF DER KIPPE by Britt Beyer, 86min, P: zero one film, D: RFF – Real Fiction, [DOK.deutsch Wettbewerb]
- THE UNICORN IN SNOWPANTS SUDDENLY RAN OFF | DAS EINHORN MIT DER SCHNEEHOSE RANNTE PLÖTZLICH LOS by Philipp Schaeffer, 18min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH, [Student Award]
- VIENNA CALLING by Philipp Jedicke, 83min, P: Fruitmarket, AMOUR FOU Vienna, WS: FilmDelights, D: mindjazz pictures UG, [DOK.music]
- VON VIELEN by Eva Hartmann, 79min, P: Luzid Film GmbH [Munich Premieres]_
The guest country at DOK.fest München 2023: TURKEY
Between tradition and modernity, secularism and religiosity: at DOK.guest this year we look east to Turkey. With five films, the festival illuminates various facets of life in Turkey, a country of contrasts that has recently distanced itself politically more and more from Europe. Discover the films, including the German production EREN by Maria Binder.
The award winning projects with German participation of the 38th DOK.fest München
- VIKTOR DOK.international Competition goes to THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Lukasz Konopa, Emil Langballe, 104min. Jury statement: 'In their carefully constructed film, Emil Langballe and Lukasz Konopa create a more complex space with each new scene in which we, as viewers, ask ourselves question after question about international law in a post-colonial framework, about the challenges of doing justice while threatening to reopen old wounds and about guilt, forgiveness and reconciliation.'
- VIKTOR DOK.deutsch Competition goes to GRETA'S BIRTH | GRETAS GEBURT by Katja Baumgarten, 96min. From the jury statement: 'From an unpretentious and feminist standpoint, she tells the story of a progressive midwife and doctor whose life becomes a nightmare as a result of the trial. We become witnesses to a tendentious and unprecedented verdict that not only destroys an entire existence but also advances long-standing efforts to limit the work of independent midwives. With GRETAS GEBURT the filmmaker succeeds in making an essential contribution to this highly sensitive topic and impressively demonstrates the social relevance of documentary film work.'
- The megaherz Student Award goes to BORDER CONVERSATION by Jonathan Brunner, 30min. From the jury statement: 'Through text messages, still tableaux and a camera that is in the right places at the right time, the film allows us to sense and feel how terrible the circumstances on the border between Belarus and Poland must be. Here, Europe’s external border becomes the setting for the dissolution of the very values that Europe is meant to represent. Without losing touch with its subject matter, the film portrays the work of the two activists Kornelia and Karolina. In its sensitive devotion to the protagonists, the film does not leave us alone but becomes a manifesto for humanity and justice.'
- The VFF Documentary Film Production Award 2023 goes to the producers Carsten Rau, Hauke Wendler, PIER 53 with the German documentary FOR EVER | FÜR IMMER. The jury says: 'Intended as a long-term observation, which according to the basic idea was to continue until the death of one of the two spouses, the project was difficult to calculate in terms of the effort and costs involved. The impossibility of naming a clear completion date defies the procedures in the German film industry. (...) With clever interventions in the calculation and in the funding applications, the Hamburg production company managed to realize a project with an open outcome and temporal unpredictability - and without allowing the creative participants to exploit themselves in the process.'
- The FFF Talent Award Documentary goes to SHE CHEF by Melanie Liebheit, Gereon Wetzel, 100min. From the jury statement: 'In a direct cinema style, always remaining close to the protagonists, the co-director Melanie Liebheit takes the audience behind the scenes of 'Haute Cuisine', with an exciting, entertaining narrative approach and clear dramaturgy. Little by little, different working cultures are revealed and Agnes asks herself how she would like to work in the future: what kind of working environment is important to her? Which is right? And how can you combine family and career? Agnes represents a generation of young women who no longer take a back seat in male domains.'
- The German Documentary Film Music Award goes to composer David Langhard for original score of THIS KIND OF HOPE by by Pawel Siczek, 83min. Jury statement: 'With his work on THIS KIND OF HOPE, David Langhard has succeeded in what this award seeks to honor: a composition that combines with the documentary narrative in an outstanding way - and at the same time shapes and contrasts it as an independent artistic design element,' says Barbara Schulte, Managing Director of the Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung. 'It is a matter of concern to our foundation to promote the encounter between artistic documentary film and contemporary music. For this, we can't think of a better partner than DOK.fest Munich, and I'm very pleased that we can jointly present this award for the ninth time.'
- DOK.digital – Award for New Narrative Formats goes to TRUTH DETECTIVES – SERIOUS GAME by Anja Reiss and Raphael Perret. From the jury statement: The prototype for this contemporary and innovative serious game has a high social relevance, shows the potential when journalistic and interactive skills are combined and complemented with scientific expertise. It can sustainably promote the media competence of users by enabling them to learn journalistic research using real image sources, to uncover fake news or even to become online investigators beyond the game in order to uncover human rights violations.
- DOK.talent Award [offers students to present their current projects to industry experts] goes to A SMALL MOMENT | EIN KLEINER MOMENT by von Daniela Magnani Hüller. From the jury statement: A Small Moment' by Daniela Magnani Hüller tells from the inside perspective of all the small but very significant moments that happened to the filmmaker after she survived an attempted murder. There are many films that are told from the perspective of the perpetrator, but only a few that are from survivors. (...) Courageously, bluntly and with a lot of heart, Daniela addresses an important social issue with her film: In Germany, a femicide happens every third day. Above all, however, the film sheds light on how the actions of one individual can decisively change the life of another person.
- DOK.archive Award [promotional prize for compilation films in development] goes to BERLIN CHIC by Sigal Rosh. From the jury's statement: In 1933, there were 2,700 brands in German-Jewish ownership; in 1939, there were only 120 left in Germany. With a wealth of new information and archive images – film footage, photographs, sketches, drawings and fashion magazines – the team brought to life the colourful Berlin fashion industry of the 1920s and 30s and showed how the glamorous "Babylon" Berlin became a fashionable backwater.
- Doc Around Europe Award & Visioni dal Mondo Award goes to HEADSHOTS – ANJA NIEDRINGHAUS, FOTOGRAFIN | HEADSHOTS – ANJA NIEDRINGHAUS, PHOTOGRAPHER by Sonya Winterberg
- Nebulae Project Selection Award goes to SURROGAT (WT) by Benedikt Schulte
- browse the winner of the ohter awards and more information here.
An award for courageous documentary film producers: The VFF Documentary Film Production Award, unique in Germany, recognises the passionate commitment and the role of production in the creation of current cinema documentary film projects. The process of making a documentary film is difficult to plan, often involves great uncertainty and requires courage. The award is sponsored by the VFF Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film und Fernsehproduzenten mbH and comes with prize money of 7,500 euros. The award goes to the producer of the film. Jury for this year's VFF Documentary Film Production Award.
Eight productions have been nominated for this year's VFF Documentary Film Production Award:
- EINZELTÄTER TEIL 1: MÜNCHEN by Julian Vogel, 90min, producers: Ümit Uludag, Martin Roelly, Erik Winker, CORSO Film- und Fernsehproduktion,
- FOR EVER | FÜR IMMER by Pia Lenz, producers: Carsten Rau, Hauke Wendler, PIER 53 Filmproduktion,
- GRETA'S BIRTH | GRETAS GEBURT by Katja Baumgarten, 97min, producer: Katja Baumgarten, viktoria11. de Dokumentarfilm,
- METAL BATTLE GIRL by Andreas Wolff, producers: Andreas Wolff, Andreas Wolff Film,
- ONE IN A MILLION by Joya Thome, 84min, producers: Katharina Bergfeld, Martin Heisler, FLARE FILM GmbH,
- LONG DISTANCE SWIMMER – SARA MARDINI | SARA MARDINI – GEGEN DEN STROM by Charly Wai Feldmann, producers: Antje Boehmert, Anna von Dziembowska, 89min, DOCDAYS Productions GmbH & Safe Passage Films, WS: NEW DOCS, D: Mindjazz pictures,
- STORYBOX UKRAINE – VOICES OF WAR | STIMMEN AUS DEM KRIEG – UKRAINE 2022 by David Belton, 80min, producers: Regina Boucheri, Gunnar Dedio, LOOKSfilm, [ARDmediathek, press]
- TOTAL TRUST by Jialing Zhang, 97min, producers: Michael Grotenhoff, Knut Jäger, Saskia Kress, Thomas Tielsch, Jialing Zhang, Filmtank GmbH
Young documentary filmmakers who are from Bavaria or live or have studied in Bavaria, and whose films are shown at the festival: The FFF Documentary Film Talent Award (Förderpreis Dokumentarfilm), sponsored by FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, honours local up-and-coming directors at DOK.fest München. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros. In 2023, the jury members are Hannes Kaltenhauser, Martin Blankemeyer und Elina Kewitz.
The nominees are:
- PLASTIC FANTASTIC by Isa Willinger, 102min, original with English subtitles.
Plastic is designed to last for eternity. Only where should all the hazardous plastic waste go? - SHE CHEF by Melanie Liebheit, Gereon Wetzel, 100min, original with English subtitles. The male-dominated world of high-end cuisine: the young chef Agnes is determined to do things the way she wants to.
- STIMMEN AUF DEM DACH DER WELT by Patrick Ranz, Felix Möller, 55min, original with German subtitles. High altitude music lessons between Sichuan and Eastern Tibet. A film like a fortune cookie.
- VON VIELEN by Eva Hartmann, 79min, original with English subtitles. Rainer Von Vielen – a music band during the pandemic. What remains when the essence of your job disappears?
Focus on editing: with the DOK.edit Award – presented by Adobe, an editing award will be given for the third time at DOK.fest München in 2023. The award is donated by Adobe and endowed with 5,000 euros. The award is intended to shed light on the post-production of documentaries and to honour the work of editors. It was developed in cooperation with Adobe. Films with outstanding editing work are nominated across all sections. The nominated films will be presented at the festival with extended Q&As with the DOK.edit jury and the respective editor. One of the three nominated productions is the German production #RACEGIRL – THE COMEBACK OF SOPHIA FLÖRSCH by Sonia Otto, edited by Finbarr Willbrink, Karoline Schulz, 95min, P: Gebrüder Beetz.
Every year, the German Documentary Film Music Award honours a composition that combines in an outstanding way with the documentary film narrative. It sees itself as a platform for the work of the composers and the value of music as a narrative level in documentary films. The award is endowed with 5,000 euros. The composer of the film is being honoured. It is donated by the Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung and supported by the Förder- und Hilfsfonds des Deutschen Komponistenverbandes DKV. Members of the jury 2023 are...
The nominated German documentary productions and co-productions are:
- FITNESS CALIFORNIA by Nadine Zacharias, 104min, composer: Sebastian Scheipers für Frische Luft, P: Behring Film & Klotz Media GbR,
- PLASTIC FANTASTIC by Isa Willinger, 100min, composer: Damian Scholl, P: Trimafilm GmbH,
- THIS IS OUR EVERYTHING by Frederik Subei, 81min, composer: Ulrich Kodjo Wendt,
- THIS KIND OF HOPE by Pawel Siczek, 83min, composer: David Langhard, P: A Film Company GmbH, Departures Film GmbH,
- and
- the Swiss production FAMILIENLOS by Angela Spörri, Günther Kurth, 98min, composer: Yukio Elien Lanz,

DOK.forum Marketplace
As the market for co-creation and co-production of DOK.fest München, the DOK.forum Marketplace invites around 45 selected, strong documentary film projects in the development stage to Munich every year. At pitching events, Roundtable Sessions and One-to-One Meetings the project teams meet around 250 experts such as commissioning editors, producers, funding representatives, distributors and sales agents. The aim is to provide a forum for relevant ideas through targeted matchmaking, to provide valuable feedback, to enable and new partnerships, and thus help the projects to get realised. The next edition of DOK.forum Marktplatz will take place from 3 to 8 May 2023.
Schedule 2023 Format- and Award Pitchings of DOK.forum Marketplace:
• Pitching DOK.digital: 3 May
• Pitching DOK.archive: 5 May
• Pitching DOK.talent: 7 May (tbc)
• Pitching DOK.composition: 7 May
• Master's Pitch: 6 May
• Roundtable Sessions: 6 and 7 May
• One-to-One Meetings: 7 May (on site) and 8 May (online)
out of the newsletter April 30, 2023:
For the first time, the DOK.forum Perspectives also invite you to two major conferences to discuss the future of documentary film in all its facets: Under the motto "It's a Match! Connecting Formats to Audiences", we will be focusing on the interplay between programme content and viewers from 4 to 5 May; at the conference "Perspektive Kino! Concepts for a Future-proof Practice" we will explore possible synergies between regular cinema and festival operations, also from 4 to 5 May.
The project selection for the DOK.forum Marketplace is ready: This year they welcome 42 exciting documentary projects in various stages of development – from the first idea to the rough cut – which will meet relevant experts from the industry in various pitching and meeting formats.
Director Etna Ozbek, Producer Burak Karamete for Zug Film,
Director Daniela Magnani Hüller, winner of DOK.talent Award by Haus des Dokumentarfilms.
From the jury statement: A Small Moment' by Daniela Magnani Hüller tells from the inside perspective of all the small but very significant moments that happened to the filmmaker after she survived an attempted murder. There are many films that are told from the perspective of the perpetrator, but only a few that are from survivors. (...) Courageously, bluntly and with a lot of heart, Daniela addresses an important social issue with her film: In Germany, a femicide happens every third day. Above all, however, the film sheds light on how the actions of one individual can decisively change the life of another person.
Director Jan Prazak, Producer I am looking for a producer.
Director Sigal Rosh, Producer Michal Weits- HSCC, winner of DOK.archive Award by British Pathé.
From the jury's statement: In 1933, there were 2,700 brands in German-Jewish ownership; in 1939, there were only 120 left in Germany. With a wealth of new information and archive images – film footage, photographs, sketches, drawings and fashion magazines – the team brought to life the colourful Berlin fashion industry of the 1920s and 30s and showed how the glamorous "Babylon" Berlin became a fashionable backwater.
Director Philipp Schaeffer, Producer Paul Hartmann, Franziska Unger
Director Daniel Nils Roberts, Producer Anne Köhncke,
Director Daniela Magnani Hüller, Producer HFF München,
Director Jens Becker, Producer Dorothea Braun,
Director Sorina Gajewski, Producer Milena Krmek
Director Rama Ayasra, Producer Mariam Salim & Asmahan Bkerat, Composer Zeina Azouqah, winner of DOK.composition Award by Sonoton Music.
From the jury statement: The jury finds the approach of combining Arabic sound systems with tempered, modern soundscapes and using authentic instruments convincing. The film material is appropriately arranged, the score fits the location of the action perfectly. The sounds of sowing and harvesting are harmoniously integrated.
Director Sonya Winterberg, Producer Birgit Schulz, BILDERSTURM Filmproduktion GmbH,
[winner of Doc Around Europe Award as well as Visioni dal Mondo Award ]
Director Adrian Huber, Producer Zündholzfilm,
Director Redon Kikaj, Producer Dardan Hoti and Luca Tesei Li Bassi Composer N/A
Director Johann Schilling, Producer Julius Wieler, Composer Kilian Oser
Director Irmak Karasu, Producer Zeynep Ekmekçi
Director Farahnaz Sharifi, Producer Anke Petersen, Composer Atena Eshtiaghi, JYOTI Film,
Director Gilad Baram Producer Gilad Baram – Nowhere Films UK, Composer Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari,
Director Nuno Escudeiro, Producer Andreas Pichler,
Director and Producsér Miriam Jakobs and Gerhard Schick,
Director Faezeh Nikoozad Producer Julia Cöllen, Karsten Krause, Frank Scheuffele,
Director Michael Bühler, Producer Martin Schilt,
Director Karanja Ng'endo, Producer Joan M. Njeri
Director Virginia Heath, Producer Grant Keir, Faction North, Alex Tondowski, Tondowski Films, David Power & Ciaran Deeney, EZ Films, Dublin, Composer David McAulay (Tondowski Films)
Director Mohammed Almughanni, Producer Rashid Abdelhamid,
Director Annelie Boros, Christiana Bukalo Producer Lea Neu, Katharina Kolleczek,
Director Benedikt Schulte Producer Christoph Menardi, NEOS Film,
Director Jakob Krese Producer Jürgen Kleinig (Neue Celluloid Fabrik)
Director Luyao Zhang, Producer Julien Coquet,
Director Chiara Sambuchi Producer Antje Boehmert (DOCDAYS)
Director Miro Jelok, Producer Katarina Jonisova, Miro Jelok
Director Zvi Landsman, Producer Zvi Landsman
Director Adrian Winkler, Producer Laurin Merz
Director Daniel Froidevaux, Producer Marc Serpa Francoeur, Ben Lenzner, Julian Carrington, Composer Joseph Shabason
Director Arata Mori, Producer Arata Mori, Andreas Hartmann
Director Firas Rebiai, Producer Dhia Rebiai, Firas Rebiai,
Directors Raphael Perret, Anja Reiss, winner of DOK.digital Award by Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien BLM
From the jury statement: The prototype for this contemporary and innovative serious game has a high social relevance, shows the potential when journalistic and interactive skills are combined and complemented with scientific expertise. It can sustainably promote the media competence of users by enabling them to learn journalistic research using real image sources, to uncover fake news or even to become online investigators beyond the game in order to uncover human rights violations.
Director Felix Rier, Producer Helios, Sustainable Films – Martin Rattini, Petra Forer; Torero Film – Rouven Rech
[winner of the DAE Talent Award, Documentary Association of Europe]
Director Lilian Sassanelli,
Director Denis Pavlovic, Producer Julia Meyer-Pavlovic, Denis Pavlovic (Glass Frog Films)
Director Jana Stallein, Producer Charlotte Peters,
DOK.forum is looking forward to a lively exchange with the (inter)national industry and invites filmmakers to take advantage of the diverse range of events.
as single page:
• 38 DOK.fest Munich 2023 •
• 37 DOK.fest Munich 2022 •
• 36 DOK.fest Munich 2021 •
• 35 DOK.fest Munich 2020 •
• 34 DOK.fest Munich 2019 •
• 33 DOK.fest Munich 2018 •
...by the way
Daniel Roher's film NAWALNY celebrated its German premiere May 2022 as the opening film of 37 DOK.fest Munich 2022. March 2023, the movie won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. The documentary follows prominent Russian opposition figure and Putin opponent Alexei Nawalny from the Russian secret service assassination attempt to his return to Moscow and imprisonment. Among the five feature documentaries nominated for Oscars were two other works that screened at last year's 37 DOK.fest Munich: A HOUSE MADE OF SPLINTERS and FIRE OF LOVE.