• Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

  • Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

  • Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

  • Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

  • Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

  • Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

    series 5x50min

Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

series 5x50min

by Florian Opitz

Capital B – Who owns Berlin?

Germany | 2023 | 250:00 min

Original Title:

Content Categories

Documentary Series
5x50min original German version with English subtitles

Episode 01: Sommer der Anarchie
Episode 02: Größenwahn
Episode 03: Absturz
Episode 04: Arm aber Sexy
Episode 05: Stadt als Beute
The 5 part high-end documentary series CAPITAL B. WHO OWNS BERLIN? tells in an exciting and entertaining way how Berlin became what it is after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It has been a hip global metropolis for three decades, attracting artists, freedom lovers and young people from all over the world. But the way there was by no means preordained.

And Capital B tells the story of how Berlin’s citizens have been fighting back ever since: against the sellout of their city, its displacement and against Berlin suffering the same fate as London, New York and Paris before it. To become a boring biotope for rich people and investors.
In the 5 episodes we experience greed, corruption, the emergence of various youth and subcultures in the 90s and noughties, housing struggle, crime, and the rise and fall of greedy politicians.
Capital B tells this story in a special way: multi-perspectival from the point of view of those who have shaped the city: Politicians, artists, entrepreneurs, squatters, club operators and clan members.

Capital B is not the umpteenth true-crime series, but an unprecedented urban sociology in the form of an exciting, entertaining and highly topical documentary series. New in style, socio-politically relevant and excitingly told. Like Netflix, but public service. Or to put it immodestly: a mixture of House of Cards and The Wire, but for real, as a docu-series.

With: Eberhard Diepgen, Klaus Landowski, Renate Künast, Sandy Kaltenborn, Marion Brasch, Peter Fox, Klaus Wowereit, Kool Savas, Dimitri Hegemann, Thilo Sarrazin, Pamela Schobeß, Franziska Giffey a.o.
38 DOK.fest Munich

Annette Muff awarded witj DEUTSCHER FERNSEHPREIS (German Televion Award) editing documentary
Cast and Crew
  • Director Florian Opitz
  • Producer Jan Krüger, Sebastian Lemke, Jörg Trentmann, Arne Birkenstock
  • Screenwriter Florian Opitz
  • Director of Photography Andy Lehmann, Marcus Winterbauer, Ma Raab
  • Editor Annette Muff
  • Sound Moritz Springer, Max Pellnitz
  • Score Von Spar
Original Languages


Production Company
Port au Prince Film & Kultur Produktion GmbH
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 31955412

Co-Production Company
Fruitmarket Arts & Media GmbH
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