THE FAMILY APPROACH by Daniel Abma, MORIA SIX by Jennifer Mallmann, SISTERQUEENS by Clara Stella Hünek, THE KING OF SPAIN by Leonard Volkmer, TARANTISM REVISITED by Anja Dreschke are the awarded German documentary productions and co-productions of the 67th edition of the Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm. For more information scroll down to the LineUp.
Record attendance at DOK Leipzig 2024
The 67th edition of the documentary and animated film festival DOK Leipzig was exceptionally well received by audiences and members of the film industry. The festival drew a total of 55,000 filmgoers this year – more than ever before. Last year, the festival welcomed 45,500 filmgoers. The previous record (48,000) was set in 2019, the year before the pandemic.
"DOK Leipzig 2024 drew well over two thousand accredited professionals, who boosted attendance at the festival cinemas and noticeably increased the popularity of the industry events," explains Festival Director Christoph Terhechte. "But it's undeniable that sales of individual and season tickets were up as well, enabling lively discussions in sold-out cinemas and memorable feedback for the numerous filmmakers who came here from all over the world. This is a good sign for cinema screenings of documentaries and animated films."
The films in the Audience Competition, the short film reels and the feature-length animated films were particularly well received, and the high attendance figures for events such as the Animation Night, the Interactive Cinema at DOK Neuland and Animation Perspectives were satisfying. The free screenings at Leipzig Central Station were also particularly well attended. The DOK Neuland XR exhibition drew 2,500 visitors, more than twice as many as in the previous year.
At DOK Industry, keen interest was observed in the two-day DOK Exchange XR programme on interactive and immersive storytelling, as was an increase of one-on-one meetings at the DOK Co-Pro Market. The further events for networking and expanding knowledge with a focus on animation were also very well received.
DOK Leipzig 2024 presented 209 films and extended reality works from 55 countries over seven days. The seven Golden Doves and two Silver Doves as well as a number of partnership awards were presented on the Saturday of the festival.
The 68th edition of the festival will be held from 27 October to 2 November 2025.

This year, 73 feature-length and short films, including 33 world premieres, are competing for the Golden and Silver Doves. The International Competition Documentary Film is presenting eight feature-length films from Argentina, France, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Mexico, the United States and Colombia. The festival is showcasing a total number of 209 films.
67 DOK Leipzig 2024 to open with TRACING LIGHT by Thomas Riedelsheimer
This documentary looks at the phenomenon of light, bringing together scientific insights and artistic perspectives. Since 2018, Riedelsheimer has overseen, a programme he devised to develop content for documentaries by first-time directors. He will discuss the programme in a master class at the Ex Oriente Workshop at DOK Leipzig.
The German Competition Documentary Film brings together nine feature-length documentary films, all of them world premieres. In addition to Thomas Riedelsheimer TRACING LIGHT, director Daniel Abma is also returning to the festival with his latest film. THE FAMILY APPROACH | IM PRINZIP FAMILIE observes a community of young people in the care of social workers and how they relate to them. THE VAGABOND'S GARDEN | LICHTER DER STRASSE by Anna Friedrich reveals what a nomadic life in Germany entails. BARBARA MORGENSTERN – DOING IT FOR LOVE | BARBARA MORGENSTERN UND DIE LIEBE ZU SACHE by Sabine Herpich accompanies the titular singer and composer during the production of her latest album. In GAME CHANGERS | SPIELERINNEN, Aysun Bademsoy returns to her former protagonists, female Turkish-German footballers in Berlin. TARANTISM REVISITED by Anja Dreschke and Michaela Schäuble and ABODE OF DAWN | SONNENSTADT by Kristina Shtubert look at various forms of religion and spirituality. MORIA SIX by Jennifer Mallmann deals with EU migration policy by reflecting on the fire in the refugee camp on Lesbos. And in TRUTH OR DARE by Maja Classen, the protagonists explore sex-positive interactions and talk about lust and personal boundaries.
67 DOK Leizig makes documentarist Thomas Heise’s (1955–2024) voice heard. It survives its owner: in IRON AGE | EISENZEIT and BARLUSCHKE, both of which won awards in Leipzig, and in the monumental HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME | HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT film with which his filmography ends. His voice still resonates: permeable to old and new German presents, between whose fragments it searches for a foothold and a stance.

Line up German documentary productions and co-productions:
- ABODE OF DAWN | SONNENSTADT by Kristina Shtubert, P: DFFB, [German Competition]
- ACCIDENTIAL ANIMALS by Leila Fatima Keita, Felix Klee, 10min, P: Leila Fatima Keita, Felix Klee, [German Competition Short]
- AIDA by Marwan Salamah, 22min, P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, [Retrospective]
- AMONG THE PALMS THE BOMB, OR: LOOKING FOR REFLECTIONS IN THE TOXIC FIELD OF PLENTY by Lukas Marxt, Vanja Smiljanic, 86min, WS: sixpackfilm, [Camera Lucida]
- BARBARA MORGENSTERN – DOING IT FOR LOVE | BARBARA MORGENSTERN UND DIE LIEBE ZU SACHE by Sabine Herpich, 108min, P: Büchner Filmproduktion, D: Salzgeber, [German Competition]
- BARLUSCHKE by Thomas Heise, 90min, ©1997, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Diana Kluge, [homage]
- BEDSORES by Fritz Polzer, 11min, C: Fritz Polzer, [German Competition Short]
- CHILE by Juan Forch, Jörg Herrmann, 2min, ©1975, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Mirko Wiermann, [Retrospektive]
- COLOR TEST. THE RED FLAG FARBTEST. DIE ROTE FAHNE by Gerd Conradt, 13min, ©1986, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Diana Kluge, [Retrospective]
- CONTRADICTION OF EMPTINESS by Irina Rubina, 3min, P: Irina Rubina, [int. Competition Animation]
- THE ENGINEER'S VOICE by André Siegers, 21min, P: Fünferfilm, [German Competition Short]
- THE FAMILY APPROACH | IM PRINZIP FAMILIE by Daniel Abma, 91min, P: BANDENFILM, D: Camino Filmverleih, [German Competition] awarded with ver.di prize for solidarity, humanity and fairness and prize as well as Gedanken-Aufschluss Prize.
- THE FESTIVAL WAS EVERYWHERE | FESTIVAL WAR ÜBERALL by collective, 12min, ©1973, GDR, P: Pionierfilmstudio Haus der Jungen Pioniere “Georg Schwarz” Leipzig, Ensemble “Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft” Leipzig, Club Leipziger Filmamateure, VEB Verlade- und Transportanlagen Leipzig, VEB Spezialbaukombinat Leipzig, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- FOR THE PALESTINIANS | FÜR DIE PALÄSTINENSER by Edna Politi, 85min, ©1973, P: DFFB, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Diana Kluge, [Retrospektive]
- GAME CHANGERS | SPIELERINNEN by Aysun Bademsoy, 86min, P: pong film, [German Competition]
- THE GARDEN CADENCES by Dane Komljen, 62min, P: Flaneur Films, [Camera Lucida]
- GOOD THINGS TAKE TIME | GUT DING WILL WEILE HABEN by Jens Franke, 25min, C: Jens Franke, [German Competition Short]
- HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME | HEIMAT IST EIN RAUM AUS ZEIT by Thomas Heise, 218min, ©2019 [homage]
- HOUSEPRINTS | HAUSPAUSEN by Biko Erki, 10min, P: Biko Erki, [German Competition Short]
- I AM ERNST BUSCH by Sebastian Eschenbach, Peter Voigt, 58min, ©2000, C: MedienKontor, [Retrospective]
- IRON AGE | EISENZEIT by Thomas Heise, 90min, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Diana Kluge, [homage]
- JUST SEA | BAHAR BISS by Franziska von Stenglin, 25min, P: Franziska von Stenglin, [German Competition Short]
- THE KING OF SPAIN | DER KÖNIG VON SPANIEN by Leonard Volkmer, 23min, P: Leonard Volkmer, [German Competition Short] awarded with Golden Dove short documentary.
- LAPILLI by Paula Durinoa, 65min, C: Matej Sotnik, [Camera Lucida]
- LETTERS FROM THE JUNGLE by collective,23min, C: Isabel Herguera, P: KHM a.o. ©2018 [homage]
- MAYDEGOL by Sarvnaz Alambeigi, 30min, WS: Taskovski Films, [Young Eyes]
- MORIA SIX by Jennifer Mallmann, 82min, P: FFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, [German Competition] awarded with DEFA-Förderpreis as well as Prize of the Interreligious Jury
- MOSCOW MOSAIC [excerpt] | MOSKAUER MOSAIK [Ausschnitt] by Alfred Dorn, 10min, ©1957 GDR, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- THE NEW PRESIDENT | DER NEUE PRESIDENT by collective, 4min, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- AN OCTUPUS DESTROYED THE MOON | EIN OKTOPUS HAT DEN MOND ZERSTÖRT by Heidrun Holzfeind, 90min, WS: sixpackfilm, [Young Eyes]
- PAIN THAT COMES IN WAVES by Irem Schwarz, 19min, P: Irem Schwarz, [German Competition Short]
- RECONSTRUCTION HOME by Antionia Nestler, 10min [DOK Neuland]
- REPORT by Volker 'Via' Lewandowsky, 7min, ©1987, C: Claus Löser, [Retrospective]
- ROSTOV – LUANDA by Abderrahmane Sissako, 58min, ©1997, [Retrospective]
- SISTERQUEENS by Clara Stella Hünek, 97min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, [Young Eyes] awarded with Young Eyes Film Award
- SKY LIKE SILK. FULL OF ORANGES by Betina Kuntzsch, 10min, P: Betina Kuntzsch, [German Competition Short]
- SNACK BAR SPECIAL | IMBISS SPEZIAL by Thomas Heise, 27min, ©1990 GDR, C: Deutsche Kinemathek, Mirko Wiermann, [homage]
- SOLIDARITY IN ACTION by collective, 5min, ©1970 GDR, P: Amateurfilmcentrum Frankfurt an der Oder, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- SOMETHING SELF EXPLANATORY (15x) | EINE SACHE, DIE SICH VERSTEHT by Harun Farocki, Hartmut Bitomsky, 64min, ©1971, C: Antje Ehmann, [Retrospective]
- TANIA IN BERLIN [excerpt] by Heinz Thomas, 10min, ©1977 GDR, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- TARANTISM REVISITED by Anja Dreschke, Michaela Schäuble, 105min, [German Competition] awarded with the Golden Dove feature lenght documentary.
- TRACING LIGHT by Thomas Riedelsheimer, P: Filmpunkt, Sonja Henrici Creates, [German Competition]
- TRACES OF RESPONSIBILITY by Anja Reiß, Jann Anderegg 85-110min [DOK Neuland: Interactive Cinema]
- TRUTH OR DARE by Maja Classen, 74min, P: POISON GmbH, P: Anja Dreschke, Michaela Schäuble, [German Competition]
- THE VAGABOND'S GARDEN | LICHTER DER STRASSE by Anna Friedrich, P: Rosenpictures, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, [German Competition]
- VIETNAM IST NICHT ALLEINE by collectiv, 8min, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- VOLKSPOLIZEI by Thomas Heise, 61min, ©1985, [homage, DEFA Matinee]
- THE WOMB HE CRAWLED FROM STILL IS GOING STRONG | DER SCHOSS IST FRUCHTBAR, AUS DEM ER KROCH by Josef Hovorka, 10min, ©1973, GDR, Czechoslovakia, C: Konstantin Wiesinger, [Matinee Saxon State Archive]
- WHERE THE JASMINE ALWAYS BLOOMS by Husein Bastouni, 10min, P: Husein Bastouni, [Int. Competition Animation]
- W.R. – MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM | W.R. – MISTERIJE ORGANIZMA by Dusan Makavejev, 85min, ©1971, D: Arsenal, [Retrospective]
- wo/men by Kristine Nrecaj, Birthe Templin, 87min, D: missingFILMs, [Panorama]
- 15.000 VOLT by Karlheinz Mund, 18min, ©1963, GDR, P: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, [Retrospective]
Explore all 209 films and XR works at 67 DOK Leipzig 2024 here.
The Industry Programme also comprises a number of events, organised by DOK Leipzig’s trusted partners. AG DOK will present their new mentoring initiative and reflect on the use of AI in documentaries during the respective panels (held in German). ARD will host speed meetings for serial storytellers and hold their TopDocs finale, where the five finalists for 2024 will showcase their projects. AG Animationsfilm will run a panel, ‘Twentysomething – The Shift to Medium Length Film in Animation’, focusing on the emerging trend toward longer formats in animation films, along with the possibilities and challenges that arise from this shift, which affect the way these films are financed, produced, and distributed.
Every year, about 1,600 film industry professionals come to Leipzig to participate in over 50 events under the umbrella of DOK Industry. Browse the TIMETABLE here.
DOK Co-Pro Market 2024 selects 35 Projects
The 20th edition of the DOK Co-Pro Market welcomes 35 documentary projects from 30 countries, including 6 German co-productions that will have the opportunity to find international financing and co-production partners. This year sees a further increase in the number of entries, totalling 366 projects.
The 20th edition continues to see immense international interest from beyond the European borders, welcoming this October directors and producers from the US, five countries from Central and South America, five Asian countries, and five African countries. The DOK Co-Pro Market 2024 is set to take place from 28 October 28–29 at Leipzig, with complementary online meetings on November 5, 2024.
- FROM HERE by Philipp Diettrich, Sara Woldeslassie, P: PINKY SWEAR FILM, Germany
- THE LAND WE BREATHE by Manuel Inacker, P: Restart, Germany, Croatia
- LETTERS by Andrei Kutsila, P: DocEdu Foundation, DOCDAYS Productions, Poland, Germany
- MY DAD'S A FARMER by El Kheyer Zidani, P: Z§K Production, jip Film & Verleih, Poland, Germany,
- OH, HEART DON'T BE AFRAID by Ana Kvichidze, P: Moonbow Production, parabellum film, Georgia, Germany, awarded with Saxon Prize for the best documentary film project by a female director.
- SITTING THE MONTH by Marita Stocker, P: eikon media, Germany
DOK Short n’ Sweet .
is a short film pitch focusing on the financing and distribution of short documentary, animated documentary and animated films as well as series. DOK Short n’ Sweet spotlights eight new exciting short film projects in diverse stages of production. A panel of international buyers, distributors and programmers share feedback and ask questions to increase the projects’ potential and unlock financing opportunities. Among the selected projects are two German productions, such as
- THE FALL by Giulia Falciani, Emilia Zieser, P: Studio Fazi,
- NOT YOUR SISTER by Jana Rothe, P: Pinkmovies GmbH,
Generation Ukraine is an initiative by the ARTE group aimed at supporting the Ukrainian filmmaking industry by co-producing 12 documentaries that explore the Ukrainian reality from the inside, telling the effects of the war on the people, land, bodies and souls. It’s also about creating a strong ecosystem with partners such as DAE – Documentary Association of Europe, Doc Society, Ukrainian Institute, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. The collection is the result of a collaboration between ARTE France, ARTE G.E.I.E, ZDF/ARTE, MDR/ARTE, SWR/ARTE, BR/ARTE and RBB/ARTE. #StandWithUkraine
[source PR Sept 24]
At DOK Industry 2023, DOK Leipzig presented the initiative and showcased six of the projects in presence of the creative teams. Among the six selected projects are three German co-productions with the working titles:
- THE BLESSED – ARTIST AT WAR by Andrii Lysetskyi, 75min or 52min, produced by Olha Beskhmelnytsina, Gennady Kofman (MaGiKa Film, Ukraine) | Co-Production: Uldis Cekulis (VFS Films, Latvia), Erik Winker (CORSO Film, Germany) [Generation Ukraine, DOK Industry Talk]
- SILENT FLOOD by Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk, produced by Karina Kostyna (TABOR, Ukraine) | Co-Production: Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer (Elemag Pictures, Germany)
- WOMEN OCCUPIED by Tetiana Hanza, Zoia Volk, produced by Oksana Ivantsiv, Regina Maryanovska Davidzon (Real Pictures, Ukraine) | Co-Production: Zoia Volk (ZOVA Films, Germany)
DOK Preview Germany is is a launch pad for works-in-progress projects and freshly completed German documentary films seeking world premiere and international distribution opportunities. [FB]
DOK Preview Germany showcases German feature-length documentaries ready to enter the international market. The teams present their projects to international buyers, commissioning editors, world sales, festival curators and distributors looking for outstanding films to offer their audiences. With the project presentation and subsequent opportunity for networking and exchange, we want to support the selected projects on their journey to international distribution and create new working ties. 2024 project selection for DOK Preview Germany wil be announced on Oct 1,2024. The event wil be moderated by Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer and Zeynep Güzel.
DOK Preview Germany takes place on Monday, October 28, 2024, 3:30 p.m. as part of DOK Industry. The venue is located in Leipzig’s city centre with festival cinemas and the festival centre within walking distance at Nonnenmühlgasse 2, St. Trinitatis, Leipzig. Access by invitation only. Livestream accessible for all accredited guests. Presented by Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer and Zeynep Güzel.
• Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer is an EAVE producers workshop-alumna, has represented Germany as a European Producer on the Move in 2020 and is a member of EWA, DAE, Produzentenverband, AG DOK, the German and European Film Academy.
• Zeynep Güzel is ia filmmaker, consultant and the head of Doc Station at Berlinale Talents and works as consultant on storytelling, grant writing, pitching and co-financing strategies including the Doc Toolbox program at Berlinale EFM, DOK Leipzig Industry and East Doc Platform.
Selection DOK Preview Germany:
- CURTAINS by Alina Cyranek, P: hug films, awarded with D-Facto Motion Works-in-Progress Prize.
- LIGHTS (WT) by Mila Teshaieva, Marcus Lenz, P: wildfilms,
Beginning with the liberation of Bucha and following five characters as they navigate their life through conflicts, trauma, and hopes, the film tells a story of transformations of the nation shaped by war. - THE MOELLN LETTERS by Martina Priessner, P: inselfilm produktion,
- SIHANOUKVILLE 2566 OR IN CASE I COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR by Selina Becker, P: Rosenpictures Filmproduktion,
- SPRING IN KANGIQSUALUJJUAQ by Marie Zrenner, P: Leykauf Film in cooperation with HFF Munich,
- WHY WE PLAY – ENSEMBLE MODERN by Thorsten Schütte, 90min, P: Ama Film,
WHY WE PLAY is the first full-length documentary about the work of one of the world's best international music collectives, Ensemble Modern. The film is a sensory voyage of discovery. It provides a better understanding of the creation and meaning of contemporary music in the context of our time. It presents the audience with the motives, struggles and motivations of the musicians and composers who bring this musical organism to life. - For more information, please contact the producers.
The DOK Archive Market Talk ‘Archive Producers: What’s Next? Discussing the Trends and Developments From the Inside’ will examine current industry developments and what the future holds for archive producing, particularly in light of the rising use of AI in this work. Archive producer and founder of GRAP e.V. (German Researchers and Archive Producers) Monika Preischl will be in conversation with Canadian archive producer Elizabeth Klinck.
Two Events organized by AG DOK – German only –
SAVE THE DATE Monday, 28.10.2024 at 1 pm, Nonnenmühlgasse 2, St. Trinitatis, Leipzig. The event will be hold in German.
Branchen-Einstieg im Branchen-Umbruch
Perspektiven für junge Dokumentarfilmschaffend
Industry entry in the industry upheaval - perspectives for young documentary filmmakers – AG DOK and futurDOK discuss the conditions for starting a career and launch mentoring program
Rarely have documentary films been more important than in these challenging times. At the same time, production conditions are in a structural crisis. Public broadcasters are withdrawing from long-form documentaries, cinema is struggling with a loss of significance and rapid technological innovations are profoundly changing filmmaking. In light of these upheavals, starting a career has also become more challenging. Together with experts and up-and-coming filmmakers, we will shed light on the current conditions for young filmmakers and ask how a successful career start can be achieved today. At the same time, the event marks the start of the AG DOK mentoring program, in which ten talents will be accompanied by experienced mentors for one year.
- Keynote by co-chair of AG DOK Susanne Binninger, director, producer, professor at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf .
- Moderation: Nele Dehnenkamp, author, director, futurDOK member
- Moderation: Raphael Schanz, director, producer, futurDOK member.
SAVE THE DATE Tuesday, 29.10.2024 at 11:30 am,Nonnenmühlgasse 2, St. Trinitatis, Leipzig.
Dokumentarfilm & künstliche Intelligenz
Paradoxer Widerspruch oder Chance für das Genre?
Documentary film & artificial intelligence – Paradoxical contradiction or opportunity for the genre?
The support of artificial intelligence is now possible in all phases of the realization of a film: research, pre-production, shooting, post-production and marketing. The genre-specific binding references to pre-film reality pose particular challenges for documentary work. On the one hand, this involves specific aspects of copyright and personal rights and, on the other, the unwritten contract with the audience. What does the use of AI mean for the genre? Does the documentary film need a voluntary commitment or a code of conduct from the authors in order to maintain a basis of trust when using artificial intelligence?
- Moderation: Valentin Thurn / director and producer
- Keynote: Artificial intelligence versus reality?
Daniel Sponsel / Festival director DOK.fest München and filmmaker - Keynote: Overview and classification – AI in documentary film:
Erec Brehmer / filmmaker and author - Keynote: AI in documentary film – Status of the rules at public broadcasters.
Martin Paul, part of the Digital Information team at MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT - Keynote: Do we need a code of conduct? Pros and cons, with examples.
Alice Agneskirchner / documentary filmmaker

as single page:
• 67 DOK Leipzig 2024 •
• 66 DOK Leipzig 2023 •
• 65 DOK Leipzig 2022 •
• 64 DOK Leipzig 2021 •
• 63 DOK Leipzig 2020 •
• 62 DOK Leipzig 2019 •
• 61 DOK Leipzig 2018 •
• DOK Leipzig @ VIMEO •
• DOK Leipzig @ FB •
• DOK Leipzig @ INSTA •