showcasing 180 films from all over the world, including 15 productions with German participation. KFF is on the exclusive list of qualifying events for the OSCARS® in the categories of short film (live action, animated, documentary) and documentary feature, as well as a recommending event for the European Film Awards in the same categories.
Browse more information on
• International Documentary Competition.
• DocFilmMusic.
• National Competition.
• International Short Film Competition.
• Polish Documentary Panorama.
The 64th Krakow Film Festival will be held in Kraków’s cinemas from 26 May to 2 June 2024 and across Poland at the KFF VOD online streaming platform between 31 May and 16 June 2024.
The submissions for international entries are closed now. The results will be known in April 2024 and the list of films qualified for the competitions will be published on the festival’s website.
Queer stars straight from the BERLINALE. Documentaries about Peaches and Jürgen Baldiga in two of the 64th Krakow Film Festival competitions.
He’d be attending her concerts, and she’d probably end up being one of his muses. Strong, uncompromising artistic personalities, who have found their place to live, love, and create in Berlin’s underground scene. The legendary, controversial vocalist Peaches and the provocative chronicler of Berlin’s nooks and crannies, Jürgen Baldiga, are the subjects of two films showcased at the ongoing festival in Berlin, which will appear in two competitions at the Krakow Film Festival in late May." source PR February 20, 2024 #64KFF
Such bold, scandalous figures couldn’t afford sanitized portraits. Both TEACHES OF PEACHES by Philipp Fussenegger and Judy Landkammer – invited to the international DocFilmMusic competition – and a contender in the international documentary competition, BALDIGA – UNLOCKED HEART by Markus Stein, are strong, provocative propositions aimed at adult audiences. Both titles can be found in the prestigious Panorama Dokumente section at this year’s BERLINALE.
These have been the first german documentaries of the 64 KFF programme announced. Scroll down and stay tuned for more!
![64 KRAKOW FILM FESTIVAL May 26 – June 2, 2024 [kino] | and KFF VOD across Poland, May 31 – 16 June, 2024 [online]](
KFF VOD across Poland May 31 – June 16, 2024 [online]
LineUp German productions and co-productions:
- BALDIGA – UNLOCKED HEART | BALDIGA – ENTSICHERTES HERZ by , 90min, WS: Autentic GmbH, P: Hoferichter & Jacobs GmbH, D: SALZGEBER, [International Competition]
- FAHNENFLUCHT by Emil Silvester Ahlhelm, Konradin Schuchter, 29min, P: HFF Munich, [International Short Competition]
- THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CIRETTA by Caroline von der Tann, 73min, WS: Syndicado FS, P: Parallelo 41 Produzioni, LUCKY BIRD PICTURES, [International Competition]
- JOANA MALLWITZ – MOMENTUM by Günter Atteln, 88min, P: accentus music, D: déjà-vu FILM, [DocFilmMusic]
- JOHATSU – INTO THIN AIR | JOHATSU – DIE SICH IN LUFT AUFLÖSEN by Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori, 86min, WS: CAT&Docs, D: RFF – Real Fiction Filmverleih, P: Ossa Film, [International Competition]
- JOKO by Izabela Plucinska, 15min, Fundacja Las Sztuki, Animoon, ClayTraces GbR, [National Competition]_
- MONOGAMIA by Ohad Milstein, 73min P: Ohad Milstein, RBB/arte, [International Competition]_
- MOVING MOUNTAINS by Jessica Poon Poon, 6min, P: KHM – Academy of Media Arts Cologne, [International Short Competition]_
- OF CARAVAN AND THE DOGS by Askold Kurov, Anonymous 1, 89min, P: Askold Kurov, WS: RISE AND SHINE, [International Competition]
- OMAR AND CEDRIC: IF THIS EVER GETS WEIRD by Nicolas Jack Davies, 121min, P: Clouds Hill Films, Pulse Films, WS: auTLOOK FILMSALES, [DocFilmMusic]__
- PUTIN'S PLAYGROUND by Konrad Szolajski, 90min, P: ZK Studio Sp. z o. o, Agitprop Ltd, Doppelplusultra Filmproduktion, Hypermarket Film, Isme Film, FB, [National Competition]
- SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, 84min, P: Filmprod. [National Competition]
- SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, 62min, P: 1991 Productions, COLOR OF MAY Imanov & Blondiau, [Ilumination]
- TEACHES OF PEACHES by Philipp Fussenegger, Judy Landkammer, 102min, WS: MAGNETFILM GmbH, P: avanti media fiction GmbH, D: farbfilm verleih GmbH, [DocFilmMusic]
- THE UNICORN IN SNOWPANTS SUDDENLY RAN OFF | DAS EINHORN MIT DER SCHNEEHOSE RANNTE PLÖTZLICH LOS by Philipp Schaeffer, 18min, P: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, [Kids&Youth]
- and
Browse all confirmed titles of 64KFF here.
KFF Industry is a part of Krakow Film Festival dedicated to film industry professionals. In 2024 KFF Industry will be held on-site. Filmmakers and producers of documentary, animated and short films will meet the experts, festivas and industry events programmers, sales agents, distributors, funds, TV, VOD and online platoform representatives and other international decision makers. Access with passes: INDUSTRY, INDUSTRY, LIGHT, MEDIA, INDUSTRY PRO. Some the events are open to a wide audience.
CEDOC MARKET This year’s 10th edition of the Central European Documentary Co-Production Market, the only documentary co-production market in Poland for producers who are looking for partners from Europe and around the world, will host 35 documentary films in development — including LEAVE EASY COME BACK SAFE by Sasha Kulak, Masha Maroz, P: Einbahnstraße Productions, Julia Shaginurova — and 10 producers without projects, with German producers such as Alex Tondowski – Tondowski Film, Natalia Imaz – Parabellum film GmbH, Ümit Uludag – CORSO Film- und Fernsehproduktion.
More information: IndustryNews, May 2, 2024.

Krakow Film Festival is one of the oldest events in the world dedicated to documentary, animated and short feature films. Since 2006, the festival is accompanied by Krakow Film Market, dedicated to film industry professionals. It core consists of three competitions of equal rank: documentary film competition, short film competition and national competition. During the eight festival days, the viewers have a chance to watch about 250 films from Poland and from around the world. They are shown in competition sections and in special screenings. The festival is accompanied by exhibitions, concerts, open-air shows and meetings with artists. Every year, the festival is visited by approximately 900 Polish and international guests: directors, producers, festival programmers and numerous Krakow audience.
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• 64 KFF 2024 •