At the end of March 2023, Katrine Kiilgaard, Managing Director of CPH:DOX, said:
"Since 2017, CPH:DOX has worked purposefully to develop the industry activities, and we are very happy to see that it is really bearing fruit. We have presented more projects, welcomed more professionals, conducted more individual meetings and given out more awards than ever before. But more importantly, CPH:DOX has attracted a critical mass of the most important players in the industry to meet the most talented filmmakers, making Copenhagen a hub for the further development of the documentary genre and a place not to be missed by the industry".
- CPH:DOX 2024 is open for film submissions. Browse the regulations here. The deadlines for submitting a film to CPH:DOX 2024 are September 1 for films finished by that date, and December 1 for films finished after the first deadline.
- CPH:FORUM 2024 is open for submissions. The deadline to submit is November 15, 2023. The next edition of CPH:FORUM takes place March 18-21, 2024. CPH:FORUM is CPH:DOX's international financing and co-production event dedicated to facilitate the development and financing of creative and visually strong film projects with international potential, whether they are features, series or new media projects.

11 new films have benn nominated for 2023's F:ACT AWARD, the prize for journalistic films in the large format and the winner is SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHERAN by Steffi Niederzoll.
"This film is artfully crafted – from the visual language to editing style, we are impressed by the filmmaker's creative vision and ability to execute. It's emotional but never sensational. It tells a tragic story but yet allows us to witness the warmth and resilience of human nature. It not only shows the courage of individuals standing up against systemic abuse and violence but also reminds us that even deaths can't defeat one's will to fight. The award goes to 'Seven Winters in Tehran'." The jury says.
Browse here the full DOX:NEWS 'And the winners of CPH:DOX 2023 are...' or Winners of CPH:DOX 2023 announced.
Marking the 20th anniversary of the International Documentary Film Festival CPH:DOX, the 2023 edition offered an outstanding programme of 200 films, including 24 German documentary productions and co-productions, by both established and emerging filmmakers as well as talks, debates, performances, exhibitions, parties and much more from 15-26 March 2023.
In addition, a selection of the official 2023 programme was available from March 24 – April 2 at the festival’s streaming platform PARA:DOX (geo-blocked to Denmark). The 20th anniversary of CPH:DOX became a record breaking year for us with an audience number reaching 125,680 - in total.
With an audience of 125,680, CPH:DOX 2023 became the most visited edition of the festival ever. Over the past 20 years, CPH:DOX has grown from a small Copenhagen event with just under 12,000 visiting guests to one of the world’s leading documentary film festivals with a large and engaged audience, both in the cinemas and online on the festival’s new streaming platform PARA:DOX.
LineUp German documentary productions and co-productions:
- ANHELL69 by Theo Montoya, 72min, WS: Square Eyes, [ARTISTS&AUTEURS]
- BRUISES | MORETONES by Ginan Seidl, Daniel Ulacia Balmaseda, 90min, P: Rosenpictures Filmprod. [NEW:VISION]
- BURIAL OF THIS ORDER by Jane Jin Kaisen, 25min, [NEW:VISION]_
- BLIX NOT BOMBS by Greta Stocklassa, 83min, P: PINK, CORSO Film, Sisyfos Film Production, WS: Syndicado FS, [F:ACT AWARD]
- THE CORRIDORS OF POWER | KULISSEN DER MACHT | LES COULISSES DU POUVOIR by Dror Moreh, 135min or 8x60min, coP: katuh studio GmbH, The Post Republic GmbH, WS: auTLOOK FILMSALES, [HIGHLIGHTS]
- CYBORG: A DOCUMENTARY by Carey Born, 87min, P: first born films, [CPH:SCIENCE]_
- DANCING PINA by Florian Heinzen-Ziobn, 111min, P: FONTÄNE FILM, [HIGHLIGHTS]
- THE GAMER by Petri Luukkainen, Jesse Jokinen, 80min, (or GAME OF MINDS 4x20min) WS: Syndicado FS, P: napafilms oy, coP: CORSO Film, [NORDIC:DOX AWARD]
- THE HAMLET SYNDROM by Piotr Rosolowski, Elwira Niewiera, 85min, P: Kundschafter Filmproduktion, Neue Celluloid Fabrik, BALAPOLIS sp.zo.o., [HIGHLIGHTS]
- INTO THE VIOLET BELLY by Thuy-han Nguyen, 20min, [NEW:VISION AWARD]_
- THE INVENTION OF THE TRUTH | DIE ERFINDUNG DER WAHRHEIT – DIE RELOTIUS AFFÄRE by Daniel Andreas Sager, 93min, P: Kinescope Film, [Special Premieres]
- MERKEL by Eva Weber, 95min, WS: Cinetic Media, [HIGHLIGHTS]
- MODERAT: THE LAST DAYS by Elisa Mishto, Alexandre Powelz, 20min, P: Embassy of Dreams Filmproduktion, [SOUND&VISION]
- PACIFICTION by Albert Serra, 162min, coP: Tamtam Film, D: Filmgalerie451, [PARAFICTIONS]_
- PHOBOS by Mina Keshavarz, 15min, P: Road River Films, Pejman Foundation, La Onda Productions, []
- PLASTIC FANTASTIC by Isa Willinger, 100min, P: Trimafilm, WS: RISE AND SHINE WORLD SALES U.G., [Special Premieres]
- SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHERAN by Steffi Niederzoll, 96min, P: Made in Germany Filmprod., [F:ACT AWARD]
- SUN UNDER GROUND by Alex Gerbaulet, Mareike Bernien, 39min, P: pong film GmbH, [CPH:SCIENCE]
- THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Emil Langballe, Lukasz Konopa, 104min, Denmark/Germany, Producer: Helle Faber, WS: dogwoof, [DOX:AWARD]
- TOTAL TRUST by Jialing Zhang, China/Germany, 97min [DOX:AWARD]
- UNCANNY ME by Katharina Pethke, 45min, P: FILMGARNITUR, [CPH:SCIENCE]
- UNDER THE FIG TREES by Erige Sehiri, 92min, [PARAFICTIONS]_
- WERNER HERZOG – RADICAL DREAMER by Thomas von Steinaecker, 103min, P: 3B-Produktion, [HIGHLIGHTS]
- WHEN SPRING CAME TO BUCHA by Marcus Lenz, Mila Teshaieva, 66min, WS: NEW DOCS, [CHANGE MAKERS]
LineUp German interactive productions and co-productions:
- LOCAL BINARIES by Lauren Moffatt, Germany, Spain, Denmark, 2022, AR, International Premiere [CPH:DOX’ INTER:ACTIVE]
- THE UNCENSORED LIBRARY by Reporters Without Borders, Germany, 2020, [CPH:DOX’ INTER:ACTIVE]
- HIVEMIND with Danielle Bathwaite-Shirley in association with Trust and Serpentine’s R&D Platform. UK/Germany, [CPH:DOX’ INTER:ACTIVE]
Juries of the five festival competitions DOX:AWARD, NEW:VISION, F:ACT AWARD, NORDIC:DOX and NEXT:WAVE.
CPH:DOX’ industry events will include the financing and co-production event CPH:FORUM, CPH:CONFERENCE and INTER:ACTIVE symposium. The industry programme runs under the banner 'Business as Unusual' between March 19-24. Read more about the key dates and events in the industry programme here. For the tenth year running, CPH:FORUM and Eurimages are happy to present the Co-Production Development Award of 20,000€ for the best pitch. To express solidarity with the Ukrainian film industry, alongside the long-standing Co-Production Development Award, Europe's Eurimages Fund decided to award a new Special Eurimages Co-production Development Award at CPH:FORUM 2023 of additional 20,000€, that will go to one of the Ukrainian projects in the Forum line-up.
The awards will be handed out during the CPH:INDUSTRY AWARDS Happy Hour Drink on Thursday, March 23 at 18:00.
KEY DATES for filmmakers and professionals
If you’re a filmmaker or an industry professional, please mark your calendar with these important dates and deadlines, to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the activities that CPH:DOX has to offer:
INTRO:DOX Day (19 March)
INTRO:DOX is a brand-new initiative envisioned to welcome emerging filmmakers from all over the world, working on their first or second non-fiction feature. INTRO:DOX will open the CPH:INDUSTRY 2023 programme with a full day of introductory sessions on Sunday, March 19, 2023, finishing off with a networking happy hour.
CPH:FORUM (20-23 March)
CPH:FORUM is our long-standing financing and co-production event. Highly acknowledged producers and directors from all over the world will take the stage to pitch 35 carefully selected projects in the intersection of non-fiction, fiction, visual art, journalism and science. Besides project presentations, CPH:FORUM offers pitch preparation and tailored one-to-one meetings between the presenting teams, potential co-production partners and interested financiers and distributors, and culminates with presenting the Eurimages Co-Production Development Award of €20,000 for the event’s best pitch.
The half day symposium will showcase the projects developed throughout the CPH:LAB training programme and will be used as the pivot of the debate about the business aspects of how to produce, finance and distribute this kind of audiovisual projects. The next edition of the Symposium will take place in Copenhagen and will be open for all accredited guests as well as ticket holders.
CPH:INDUSTRY offers a wide range of activities and networking events to help facilitate the match of potential business partners among nearly 2.000 film professionals from all over the world who are joining CPH:DOX annually.
CPH:CONFERENCE (21-24 March)
CPH:CONFERENCE is a unique industry event, presented and curated in partnership with the leading training initiative Documentary Campus. The next edition takes place in Copenhagen and is open to all accredited guests, as well as the public.
as single page:
• CPH:DOX 2024 •
• CPH:DOX 2023 •
• CPH:DOX 2022 •
• CPH:DOX 2021 •
• CPH:DOX 2020 •
• CPH:DOX 2019 •
21 CPH:DOX will return to the Copenhagen cinemas March 13-24, 2024. New submissions start May 15, 2023. Submit a film here. Rules&Regulations.