April 27, 2023, Berlin



Steffi Niederzoll has received the Roman Brodmann Prize 2023 for SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHERAN



The €10,000 award recognizes politically and socially relevant documentaries. Around 110 submissions were received for the ROMAN BRODMANN PRIZE, which was awarded for the second time by the Haus des Dokumentarfilms - Europäisches Medienforum Stuttgart e.V. (HDF) and the Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik (IfM). A twelve-member selection jury – consisting of industry members and media journalists – has nominated eleven productions: seven feature-length documentaries, most of them with theatrical release, and one documentary series.


The nominated german documentaries are:

and until yet not mentioned in our catalogue


From the eleven nominations, the main jury will select one production to be awarded the Roman Brodmann Prize on April 27, 2023, at the Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz in Berlin. In accordance with its statutes, the prize may not be shared. Jury members are:
David Bernet (director, AG DOK co-chairman)
Bettina Böhler (editor, director)
• Elwira Niewiera (writer, director of THE HAMLET SYNDROM)
• moderated by Ulrike Becker, HDF






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