65 Festival dei Popoli,
November 2-10 at Florence 


Submissions for the 65th Festival dei Popoli 

  • Download the Regulations and register your documentary through the online procedure.
  • The registration of the films at the pre-selection involves the payment of a fee of € 15.00 as reimbursement of secretarial expenses.
  • Deadlines for online registration are based on the film production date:
  • April 15th, 2024 for every film produced before March 2024;
  • June 15th, 2024 for every film produced before May 2024;
  • July 15th 2024, for every film produced after June the 1st 2024 (included) or still in progress (in this case we must receive a rough copy of the work in progress).
  • Late submissions: Late film submission can be accepted (limited to the days between July 16th to 31st 2023) but involves the payment of a fee of € 25.00.




as single page:
FDP65 2024#FdP65
FDP64 2023FB