In 2012, the Russian artist Pyotr Pavlensky attracted international attention when he sewed his mouth to demonstrate his solidarity with the convicted members of Pussy Riot. According to Pavlensky, political artists in Putin’s Russia are being robbed of their voice and condemned to silence. His most dangerous performance Pavlensky staged 2015. The artist set fire to the door of the headquarters of the FSB, the Russian secret service, to protest against „state terror“. He spent seven months in prison. The film shows Pyotr Pavlensky and his preoccupation with the liberty of the individual confronted by the power of the state.FIFA Montreal jury's reasoning 'Best Artist Portrait':
The striking portrait of an artist outside each standard. The life and art of Pyotr Pavlensky are imbued with his social and political commitment. The constraint of any restriction of political art he demonstrates at his own body and this is a vehement accusation against the political power of Russia. Razor sharp the film puts the fingers into open wounds, just and without circumference. The portrait of a man whose outer and inner contours he draws. The director allows us access to an artist without repentance.
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