• German Pop and Circumstance

    German Pop and Circumstance

  • German Pop and Circumstance

    German Pop and Circumstance

  • German Pop and Circumstance

    German Pop and Circumstance

German Pop and Circumstance

by Dietmar Post, Lucia Palacios

German Pop and Circumstance

Germany | 2016 | 80:00 min

Original Title:

Formal Categories

Conflicts Arts Music Politics

Content Categories

Documentary Music film
A documentary film about the interplay between pop culture and extreme right ideology.
For decades, popular culture was considered modern and emancipatory but in reality it has long been part of the center of society and noticeably opened itself up to the right-wing. Pop music played a central role to the neo-Nazi terror cell NSU (National Socialist Underground). Their members were politicized within the subculture of the far-right music scene.
The documentary by Dietmar Post and Lucía Palacios establishes connections to the socio-political developments in Germany from the late '70s to today.
Similar to its pop-historical documentary "Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback", which in 2009 was awarded the Adolf Grimme Prize (German TV-Oscars), the authors also work in this film without a narrator by using instead intensive conversations and meticulously researched archive material, establishing a dialogue between pop theorists, sociologists, musicians, label owners and protagonists of the right-wing scene.
nominated for GRIMME PREIS 2016
Cast and Crew
  • Director Dietmar Post (play loud!), Lucia Palacios
Original Languages


Production Company
play loud! productions
Niemannstr. 23, 10245 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 29779315

Phone: +49 30 29779316

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