• Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

  • Catching Haider

    Catching Haider

Catching Haider

by Nathalie Borgers

Catching Haider

2015 | 91:00 min

Content Categories

Dead in a car crash in 2008, Joerg Haider, former leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, was the first to bring a far right populist party to power in Europe. CATCHING HAIDER is a subjective voyage inHaider’s political, geographical, familial, and emotional world, seeking to glimpse the real person behind Haider's contradictory personas, his goals, and his strategies, and finally identifying the illusionary and deceptive methods of populist politics which have since spread all over Europe.
Honorable Mention DOK.national - DOK.fest Munich; Zurich, Docpoint Helsinki
Cast and Crew
  • Director Nathalie Borgers
  • Producer Kurt Mayer
  • Director of Photography Helmut Wimmer
  • Editor Elke Groen
  • Sound Bruno Pisek
  • Score Thierry Zaboitzeff
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