A documentary about the painter Oda Jaune and about her paintings. An intimate portrait of a young woman who had to leave her past behind to find her future.She paints bodies that are mutilated and disfigured, naked and sexless, faceless. Disturbing paintings, painful paintings. And she paints faces radiating happiness, people in paradise, people who can fly. Tender, touching paintings. Originally from Bulgaria, Oda Jaune studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, becomes a master scholar of Jörg Immendorff. And she becomes his wife. After Immendorff’s death in 2007, she leaves Germany to move to Paris. Getting in touch with her there is a challenge. Almost two years pass before she agrees to being in this film. The plan seems simple: over the course of several weeks the director and her cinematographer will join her in the studio and capture the process of creating new paintings for an upcoming exhibition.