The dried tears of Lake Urmia in northern Iran are for sale – salt in plastic bags at the roadside. Once the biggest lake in the Middle East, only a fraction of it is left today. This is its elegy, presenting both its former splendour and its state today. Wavering between factuality and melancholy, the film finally opts for a pessimistic view of society. The dying lake becomes a symbol. (DOK Leipzig, Carolin Weidner)
Jury Statement Innsbruck Nature FF: “A love poem, a love song to a place that disappeared – once one of the biggest lakes in the Middle East, vanished and turned almost complete into a salt desert – lake Urmia. This poetic essay embarks from the former crowded shores back in the time, when there still was water, and leads us to recent images of the scenery. The young filmmaker Daniel Asadi Faezi visualizes the mourning by arranging playful but gently the images and brings Urmia for a glimpse of the moment back to life but let us its loss resonates long after.”
Seal of Approval ‘highly recommended’ Sustainability Award – 26. Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg Honorable Mention – 19. Innsbruck Nature Film Festival part of german films NEXT GENERATION selection which premiered at Festival de Cannes 2020
2020 26 Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Germany 12 GO SHORT – ISFF Nijmegen, Netherlands 17 Vienna Shorts, Austria 35 DOK.fest Munich, Germany 13 Leiden Shorts, Netherlands 21 KUK Kurzfilmtage Schweinfurt, Germany 40 Odense Shortfilm Festival, Denmark 9 Kyiv International Shortfilm Festival, Ukraine 26 Film Festival della Lessinia, Italy 49 Sehsüchte Berlin, Germany 36Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg, Germany 20 Festival de Cine Alemán Buenos Aires, Argentina 3 Cinemafest Orvieto, Italy 14 German Currents Film Festival L.A., USA 41 Festival du Film court de Villeurbanne, Lyon, France 36. Warsaw International Film Festival, Poland 25 Festival du Cinéma Allemand, Paris, France 16 International Filmfestival Sedicicorto, Italy 13 Imagine Science Film Festival New York, USA 19 International Innsbruck Nature Filmfestival, Austria 20 Escales Documentaires, La Rochelle, France 36 International Shortfilm Festival Berlin, Germany 24 PÖFF Black Nights Tallinn, Estonia 6 Festival Cinéma Jeune Public Lausanne, Switzerland 37 Festival International du Film de Montagne d’Autrans, France 21 Izmir Shortfilm Festival, Turkey This Human World, Vienna
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