Under the Ice - it´s where you can´t deny global warming Under the Ice - it´s where you can´t deny global warming
Kangiqsujuaq is a small village in Ungava Bay in Canadas arctic north. When the ocean retracts during low tide it leaves hundreds of caves under the pack ice. It is here that the Inutit will find mussels, which used to be an important source of food during the long arctic winters. To collect them, one has to dig a hole 9 feet deep through the ice. An extremely dangerous venture, as no where else on this planet the tide comes in as fast as here, at 25 miles per hour and the ice is getting increasingly instable due to global warming. Although the people of Kangiqsujuaq live in heated houses today, buy food in the supermarket and watch TV, hunting and fishing are still important to them. But the young generation increasingly looses interest in the old ways. We will meet 70 year old Lucassie and his family. Lucassi is worried how long it will still be possible to pass on the old Inuit wisdom and traditions to the younger generation. It is not only the climate change, but also the influences of modern life that changes the lives of the people in Ungava Bay.
Kuala Lumpur International Filmfestival 2008: Winner Best Documentary, Guangzhou Documentary Filmfestival 2011: Competition
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