• The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

    The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

  • The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

    The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

by Christof Wolf

The Legacy of the Holy Experiment

2017 | 37:48 min

Original Title:
Das Erbe des heiligen Experimentes

Content Categories

The Jesuit Missions to the indigenous people of Latin America were founded in the beginning of the 17th century. Due to the intrigues of the political powers at the time, the missions were suppressed in 1767. The so-called ‘Holy Experiment’, the dream of a better, a just society, was at an end and since then, it has remained a utopian ideal. Today, 250 years later, we still long for a just, peaceful and free society. But the legacy of the ‘Holy Experiment’ lives on in Bolivia, in the Jesuit Parish, Ignacio de Moxos.
Cast and Crew
  • Director Christof Wolf
Original Languages



Production Company
Loyola Productions Munich GmbH
Kaulbachstr. 22a, 80539 München

Phone: +49 89 23862418

Fax: +49 89 23862402

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