Whales with blood in their eyes. Sad moments also for scientists. Why did the frequency of strandings go up? Finally marine biologists team up to uncover the reasons behind mass strandings. Is there a connection to military sonar as rumors claim? SOUNDS OF THE SEAS - a science detective story with a political touch. Whales with blood in their eyes. Sad moments also for scientists. Why did the frequency of strandings go up? Finally marine biologists team up to uncover the reasons behind mass strandings. Is there a connection to military sonar as rumors claim? SOUNDS OF THE SEAS - a science detective story with a political touch.
Every month new military sonars are deployed. There hasn?t been a single documentary on this issue. Reason enough for leading scientists to engage in this bold and daring task. SOUNDS OF THE SEAS leads far beyond ?normal wildlife films?. The charming and dedicated biologist ANTONELLA SERVIDIO gathers evidences normally hiding behind walls of marine labs. Beside secret insights on military technologies, a unique collaboration between marine biologists and IT specialists make it possible for the 1st time to follow whales down to more than 800meters. The tragedy of stranded whales touch most humans. They always make the headlines, but are just the tip of the iceberg. Military sonars are built to detect hostile submarines over hundreds of miles, using massive levels of sound. The chance of war about energy resources increases. Scientists stand up to tackle the inevitable backside of our wars in the oceans? What does this mean to the whales? SOUNDS OF THE SEAS
Every month new military sonars are deployed. There hasn?t been a single documentary on this issue. Reason enough for leading scientists to engage in this bold and daring task. SOUNDS OF THE SEAS leads far beyond ?normal wildlife films?. The charming and dedicated biologist ANTONELLA SERVIDIO gathers evidences normally hiding behind walls of marine labs. Beside secret insights on military technologies, a unique collaboration between marine biologists and IT specialists make it possible for the 1st time to follow whales down to more than 800meters. The tragedy of stranded whales touch most humans. They always make the headlines, but are just the tip of the iceberg. Military sonars are built to detect hostile submarines over hundreds of miles, using massive levels of sound. The chance of war about energy resources increases. Scientists stand up to tackle the inevitable backside of our wars in the oceans? What does this mean to the whales? SOUNDS OF THE SEAS
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