What happens when the community you need is not the community you have? Tell yourself it exists over and over, make fan zines that fabricate hordes of queer punk revolutionaries, create subversive movies, and distribute those movies widely—and slowly, the community you’ve fabricated might become a real and radical heartbeat that spreads internationally. This is the story that Queercore tells, from the start of a pseudo-movement in the mid-1980s, intended to punk the punk scene, to the widespread rise of artists who used radical queer identity to push back equally against gay assimilation and homophobic punk culture. Interviewees discuss homophobia, gender, feminism, AIDS, assimilation, sex, and, of course, art. The extensive participant list includes Bruce LaBruce, G.B. Jones, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, John Waters, Justin Vivian Bond, Lynn Breedlove, Silas Howard, Pansy Division, Penny Arcade, Kathleen Hanna, Kim Gordon, Deke Elash, Tom Jennings, Team Dresch, and many more. Underscoring the interviews are clips from movies, zines, concerts, and actions iconic to the movement. As steeped in the radical queer, anti-capitalist, DIY, and give-no-fucks approach as queercore itself, the movie reveals the perspectives and experiences of bands, moviemakers, writers, and other outsiders, taking audiences inside the creation of the community—and art—so desperately needed by the same queers it encompassed.
* Felix Award for Best Documentary - Rio International Film Festival * Audience Award SOUNDWATCH Berlin Music Film Festival * Audience Award homochrom Cologne LGBT, * Best Queer Documentary - Melinka Festival in Serbia
* Mardi Gras Film Festival & QueerDOC (Sydney, Australia) * Folkets Bio Malmö / Panora (Sweden) * London Lesbian Film Festival (Canada) * Biennial Queer City Cinema Media Arts Festival (Regina, SK, Canada) * !f Istanbul International Independent Film Festival (Turkey) * Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Warszawa, Poland) * Outsider Film Festival (Austin, USA) * Porny Days - Film Kunst Festival * Cinema Politica * IndieLisboa * IDFA (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) * IN-EDIT Music Documentary Film Festival (Barcelona, Spain) * Sheffield Doc/Fest (UK) * DOC NYC (USA) * Rio International Film Festival (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) * Frameline (San Francisco, USA) * Outfest - The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (USA) * Pink Screens Film Festival (Bruxelles, Belgium) * Cinema Queer International Film Festival (Stockholm, Sweden) * Oslo/Fusion - LGBT Film Festival (Norway) * Sidewalk Film Festival (Birmingham, USA) * Chéries-Chéris - festival de film gay et lesbien de Paris (France) * Viennale (Austria) * Way Out West Music and Film festival (Sweden) * Eau Queer Film Festival (USA) * Southwest Gay And Lesbian Film Festival (USA) * Exeter Phoenix (UK) * hotDOCS Toronto and among others 2024 26 TiDF Thessaloniki
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