• Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

  • Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

  • Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

  • Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

  • Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

  • Parents in the Wild

    Parents in the Wild

    two parts, each 52 or 43min

Parents in the Wild

two parts, each 52 or 43min

by Moritz Mayerle, Annette Scheurich

Parents in the Wild

Germany | 2023 | 104:00 min

Formal Categories

Family Nature / Animals Ecology

Content Categories

Documentary Series
2x43min German original
WILDE ELTERN – Mit Leidenschaft zum Nachwuchs
WILDE ELTERN – Im Einsatz für die Kinder
Children – the meaning of life!?

At least in nature. Humans may take a more differentiated view, but animals make enormous efforts to produce as many offspring as possible throughout their lives. But no matter how clearly the goal of life seems to be defined, the paths to animal child happiness could hardly be more different and are as diverse as they are fascinating. In two parts, we show animal parents and children all over the world: on land, on water and in the air – family life in all its facets.
Cast and Crew
  • Director Moritz Mayerle, Annette Scheurich
Original Languages


World Sales Company
Albatross World Sales GmbH
Chopinstr. 8, 04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 44282450

Production Company
Handschuhsheimer Landstr. 73, 69121 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 400780

Fax: +49 6221 400884

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