• Opera Glasses

    Opera Glasses

  • Opera Glasses

    Opera Glasses

  • Opera Glasses

    Opera Glasses

Opera Glasses

by Mila Zhluktenko

Opera Glasses

2019 | 24:00 min

Original Title:

Formal Categories

Human Interest Society

Content Categories

Documentary Short film
Opera glasses are necessary to watch the stage from the back rows of the auditorium. If you content yourself with the foyer, you only need alert eyes and instinct: not only for the larger-than-life gestures of musical theatre, but also for the small (self) performances in public space. Checking oneself in the mirror, overzealous re-adjustments of one’s facial expression for a selfie, the inimitable coolness of aging cloakroom attendants – all this is part of the spectacle of visibility. (DOK. Leipzig, Lukas Foerster)

There are plenty of red carpets for major stars, maybe enough. A very different location provides the scene for this film, a scene in which, for once, the staff and the guests play the main roles. With a subtle sense of humour, sensual imagery, precise sound design and an ability to unobtrusively follow the introverts while leaving the extroverts space to play to the gallery, the director provides entertaining – in the best sense of the word – observations on the soiree crowd and society in general. The cloakroom of an opera house becomes the stage, and we find ourselves waiting full of anticipation for the next act. The Golden Dove German Competition Short Documentary and Animated Film goes to Mila Zhluktenko for Opera Glasses. (GOLDEN DOVE, DOK. Leipzig, Jury Statement)
Golden Dove - DOK Leipzig

Go Short - Festival für Kurzfilm Nijmegen
VIS Vienna Independent Shorts
Palm Springs International Short Film Festival
sehsüchte || Internationales Studentenfilmfestival
Creative Documentary Film Festival MakeDox, Mazedonien
San Sebastián IFF, Spain
Doclisboa IFF
Bogoshorts, Kolumbien
Cast and Crew
  • Director Mila Zhluktenko
  • Producer Daniel Asadi Faezi
  • Director of Photography Rebecca Hoeft
  • Editor Felicitas Sonvilla
  • Sound Andrii Rogachov
Original Languages



Co-Production Company
HFF München (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film)
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