A sprawling mycelium. The starry sky over the Romanian Carpathians. The first two images introduce the dimensions that are at the core of Olanda: Details and fine structures on the one hand, constellations and the bigger picture on the other. The focus is on a seasonal asset of the area - the mushroom. Amongst people it is the foragers who are nearest to them and the focus of the film is on them: on walks through the forest, in the tent camp, during car rides and conversations. From here it follows the rhizome-like ramifications that continue to branch out in the form of money: to local and international merchants, to an impromptu shoe market in a clearing, to gambling among colleagues. The film tells of these trading cycles by assuming a mushroom-like structure without ever losing its centre of thought. Beyond an analysis of economic structures, however, it is also the sensual document of a rhythm of everyday life in the forest, as experienced by foragers as the first link in the recycling chain. In the cinema, it can be experienced as an audiovisual mushroom-trip into the magical world of the Carpathian forests.
2019 69th Berlinale – 49th FORUM world premiere, Germany Best Documentary - dokka Karlsruhe, Germany New Horizons, Poland Slowfest, Poland FILMFEST HAMBURG ARTE-Dokumentarfilmpreis — 43 Duisburger Filmwoche
Cast and Crew
Director Bernd Schoch
Director of Photography Simon Quack, Bernd Schoch
Associate producer Maria Trifu (Romania)
Editor Andre Siegers, Bernd Schoch
Sound Orest Skakun, Andre Siegers, Marius Siminel Mânuntelu
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