“The Prostitute”, “The Addict”, “Gay Man”, “The Bitch” are the titles of 75-year-old recreational poet Slobodan Stevanović’s most popular poems. And popularity – in the Serbian provinces just like everywhere else – is measured by click figures. Slobodan and his son Bojan send his works into the world via YouTube. Poetry conquers new spaces, while the tube TV set in the old space next door is flickering and the “cevapcici “are frying. (DOK Leipzig, Lukas Stern)Serbia is a transitional country on the “spiritual” edge of Europe.
Somewhere on the outskirts of Serbia lives Slobodan, a hypersensitive, hyperproductive 75 year old poet.
Reality in Serbia is ephemeral, everything is constantly changing. In Slobodans surroundings history and present intertwine, so as local folklore legends with horrors and curiosities of a transitional society and for him the only way to cope with it is to write. Althou he has written over 10000 poems, outside his hometown, he still remains unknown. Luckily his son Bojan has found a perfect output for his fathers poetry - Youtube. Webcam for them is a magical portal, a tool that penetrates the barrier of their surroundings, and puts his poems directly in front of those who want to hear them.