• Love Eats Up Life

    Love Eats Up Life

    Tobias Gruben, seine Lieder und die Erde

  • Love Eats Up Life

    Love Eats Up Life

    Tobias Gruben, seine Lieder und die Erde

  • Love Eats Up Life

    Love Eats Up Life

    Tobias Gruben, seine Lieder und die Erde

  • Love Eats Up Life

    Love Eats Up Life

    Tobias Gruben, seine Lieder und die Erde

Love Eats Up Life

Tobias Gruben, seine Lieder und die Erde

by Oliver Schwabe

Love Eats Up Life

Germany | 2019 | 92:00 min

Original Title:

Content Categories

Documentary Music film
Starts in German cinemas April 23, 2020 du COVID-19crises not.
BUT is available as VOD starting April 23, 2020.
LOVE EATS UP LIVE retraces the work by Tobias Gruben, which 20 years after his death continues to be a nearly completely undiscovered diamond in the rough of German pop culture. The singer of CYAN REVUE and DIE ERDE inspires young bands like MESSER or ISOLATION BERLIN to perform cover versions of his songs.
The film depicts not only an incomplete music career, but also describes the never-ending struggle of a son for recognition by his father. In interviews, music, some of which as yet unreleased, and letters, LOVE EATS UP LIVE takes us straight to the heart and mind of a musician nearly completely forgotten, who shortly before his commercial breakthrough died of an overdose and whose lyrics and songs continue to touch listeners today. (mindjazz)

When Hamburg was cool: even 20 years after his death, underground musician Tobias Gruben is still seen as a rough diamond of German pop culture. A filmic rediscovery. To this day, his bands Cyan Revue and Die Erde inspire bands like Messer and Isolation Berlin, but during his lifetime Tobias Gruben remained an insider tip. At the heart of the music scene at the end of the 1980s, he got high on his love of music and all sorts of drugs. Besides success, he sought above all the recognition of his father. The film illuminates the path of a driven existence, talks to companions like Rocco Schamoni and FM Einheit and revisits the genius Gruben with amongst other things previously unseen footage. [Filmfest Hamburg]
With: Imogen Gruben, Sebastian Gruben, Florian Langmaack, Heidrun Tuchenhagen, Horst Petersen, Felix Huber, Tobias Levin, Alfred Hilsberg, Peter Sempel, FM Einheit, Rocko Schamoni, Hendrik Otremba und Messer, Paul Pötsch, Timm Völker, Fee Kürten/Tellavision, Tom Schilling, Isolation Berlin
Filmfest Hamburg - world premiere
FF Cologne
Best German Music Documentary –

Cast and Crew
  • Director Oliver Schwabe
  • Producer Christian Becker (Field Recordings Filmproduktion )
  • Director of Photography Nikolas Jürgens
  • Narrator Gustav Peter Wöhler, Robert Stadlober
  • Editor Christian Becker
  • Score Tobias Gruben (& Die Erde, Cyan Revue, Sol)
Original Languages


World Sales Company
mindjazz pictures UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geisselstr. 12, 50823 Köln

Phone: +49 221 3014988

Fax: +49 221 3014989

Production Company
Field Recordings Filmproduktion
Filmhaus Köln, Maybachstr. 111, 50670 Köln
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