The Trans-Europe-Footrace is the hardest and longest endurance run in the world: 4,500 km from southern Italy up to the North Cape in Norway. 70 kilometers per day in 64 stages with no day off. Nights are spent in gyms, kindergardens or swimming pool areas. Everyone is on his own, his strengths and fears. While lavender fields change to mountain canyons, it will show who is the mentally strongest, who has his body under control and who is neither affected by self-doubt nor by day-to-day success. Between competition and support during 64 days, a community of pain and triumph develops. But yet, in the end even here it matters : who will reach the goal first?Spacer
Director Achim Michael Hasenberg accompanied 8 runners on this odyssey through Europe and the limits of their individual strength. The former winner Robert Wimmer, the pro athlete Achim Heukemes, a barber from Toulouse and a family father affected by multiple sclerosis, one of the fastest Ultra-Marathon women runners in the world, a housewife from Tokyo and two Swedish officers - they all are united by a strong will, the passion for running and unbending discipline. Together they go to the limits of the human capacity. "I Want to Run" documented their long, sometimes hard, often fierce, but always enriching way to the goal.