FAREWELL TO THE FROGS is a portrait of the late German filmmaker Ulrich Schamoni realized by his daughter, renowned photographer Ulrike Schamoni, on the basis of her father’s video diary.Diseased of leukaemia Ulrich Schamoni films his own life until several days before he dies in 1998.
Assembled with excerpts from his works, director Ulrike Schamoni and editor Grete Jentzen aim to preserve the legacy of one of Germany´s greatest filmmakers.
Schamoni always lived his life to the fullest and even leukaemia couldn't stop his unique vigour using his creativity and humour to face his fatal disease. According to one of his favourite sayings: "If you walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!"
Having played many of the main characters of his films himself, his video diary almost seems to be a real life sequel of his cult-film CHAPEAU CLAQUE.
FAREWELL TO THE FROGS is a documentary about his stance on life and a call to love and embrace it – until the end.