• Escape to Nowhere

    Escape to Nowhere

Escape to Nowhere

by Carmen Té

Escape to Nowhere

Germany | 2008 | 52:00 min

Original Title:

Content Categories

Escape to Nowhere shows the desperate life conditions Migrants from Africa experience in Sicily, Italy and Europe. They live in an irregular camp in tends, cook on a selfmade archaic fire, work on the potato fields for a little money that they have to share with their life companions who did not get any even a bad paid daily job, they are medical assisted by some volunteers of Medicine sans Frontiere like in Africa.  Most of the protagonists understand that it is very difficult to change their life in Europe. Through Moubarak words we learn about their way of thinking and about the distance between the storytelling at home and the reality in the "exile" land:
"People returning to Africa told us Europeans are racists. I didn't believe them. Some believed them, others didn't. I always have to see for myself, with my own eyes... Now that I've had my own experiences I know they were right. If I go back it won't be easy, either. But what can I do? It's God's decision."
Boundless – WDR, France Television, NpS, EBU, Unesco
DOK.fest Munich 
Unsichtbare Welten – Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsstatus in Deutschland - Gasteig, München
Unabhängiges Dokumentarfilmfest Osnabrück in Wettbewerb
Open Eyes – Filme für Menschenrechtsbildung Nürnberg
Evangelische Versöhnungskirche KZ - Gedenkstätte Dachau 2009
Sole e Luna – Film Festival Palermo
nominated for First Steps Award
 O' Curt Film Festival Neapel
nominated German Human Rights Prize
Cast and Crew
  • Director Carmen Té
Original Languages




Production Company
HFF München (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film)
Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1, 80333 München

Phone: +49 89 689570

Fax: +49 89 689579900

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