• Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

    Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

  • Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

    Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

  • Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

    Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

  • Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

    Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

  • Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

    Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

by Barbara Trottnow

Eduard Zuckmayer - A Musician in Turkey

Germany | 2015 | 87:00 min

Content Categories

Eduard Zuckmayer migrated to Turkey in 1936. At that time he was a quite famous pianist, but the Nazis banned him from his profession. Atatürk asked him to establish the education of music teachers and bring Western music culture to the country. Eduard Zuckmayer headed the music department at Gazi University in Ankara for 32 years. The film is searching for the tracks he left in Turkey. We met former students being very proud on their professor und trying to work in his tradition. We look back on a quite unknown part of Turkish-German history and also give insights into today’s Turkey. The elder brother of the famous author Carl Zuckmayer is quite unknown in Germany, but in Turkey he is still famous and highly respected.
It is not long ago, Germans had to refuge and start a new live in foreign countries.

Original German version with Turkish or English subtitles available 
Cast and Crew
  • Director Barbara Trottnow
  • Director of Photography Jonas Trottnow
  • Narrator Achim Stellwagen
  • Editor Oliver Kurrle
Original Languages


Production Company
bt-medienproduktion | Barbara Trottnow

Phone: +49 6136 89466

Links / Reference
Links / Reference
Türkisches Filmfestival, Frankfurt
Premieren in Mainz und Istanbul
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