• Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

    Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

  • Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

    Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

  • Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

    Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

by Sylvia Nagel, Sonya Winterberg

Dark Business. Child Trafficking in the Heart of Europe

Germany | 2017 | 52:00 min

Content Categories

Children from around the globe cross borders on the promise of a better life – with Western Europe being a prime destination. Instead they find themselves on a horrific journey into forced labour, prostitution and abuse – sold into modern day slavery.
We meet victims as young as nine years old who sometimes were sold by their own families into an uncertain future. Trails lead us to the illegal corners of the internet where anything can be bought. From the Darknet to our streets and neighborhoods this film gives a voice to those who live in the shadows – not in a faraway land, but in our midst, today.
Cast and Crew
  • Director Sylvia Nagel, Sonya Winterberg
Original Languages







World Sales Company
Albatross World Sales GmbH
Chopinstr. 8, 04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 44282450

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