• Children of St. Georg - The Teenage Years

    Children of St. Georg - The Teenage Years

Children of St. Georg - The Teenage Years

by Leslie Franke, Herdolor Lorenz

Children of St. Georg - The Teenage Years

2013 | 93:00 min

Content Categories

Is there a bigger adventure than seeing kids grow up?

Tamina, Mitchel, Freya, Klara and Nevena are 13-to-14-years-old kids in Hamburg, Germany. “5 kids” - not their parents - tell us about their lives and dreams. Mitchels Father is from spain.The documentary follows them for the next 6 years through adolescence.

These kids’ lives in Hamburg’s “problematic” quarter St. Georg, reflects the typical, colourful mixture of nations and religions of this district, the misery of the drug addicts, but also the openness for a new way of life and the atmosphere of tolerance and creativity. We see them grow up and develop. The film shows the kids’ experience in this important span of life from their own perspective.

To watch kids and grown-ups from an ethnically mixed background, open up and tell us their inner secrets is a fascinating and emotionally attaching experience.
What are their wishes and do they come true? Do their parents stay together? How do their live change through adolescence? Do they still have the same friends? Are the five kids still friends? How is it to get to become a young man or woman? What does first love feel like? Do they finish school successfully? What professions will they learn? Will they learn any at all? Or are their lives falling apart?
Cast and Crew
  • Director Leslie Franke, Herdolor Lorenz
Original Languages


Production Company
Kernfilm GmbH
Brennerstr. 58, 20099 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 241290

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