• Blue Eyed

    Blue Eyed

Blue Eyed

by Bertram Verhaag

Blue Eyed

Germany | 1996

Formal Categories

Society Politics Social Issue

Content Categories

Jane Elliott, Ex-Lehrerin aus den USA, leitet in ihrem Kampf gegen Rassismus und Vorurteile Workshops, in denen sie Menschen nach willkürlichen körperlichen Merkmalen in Gruppen einteilt. Auf schockierende Art werden im Lauf dieses "Spiels" Mechanismen von Ausgrenzung klar.
Over the past 20 years, Jane Elliott, a former teacher in the midwest USA, has committed herself to leading a fight against prejudice, ignorance and racism in society. She continues to practise the same philosophy which she began with her school class after Martin Luther King jun.'s death in 1968. Today her audience is much broader including teachers, students, firemen and even the complete staff of a bank. In her workshops she devides peopie on the basis of two arbitrary physical properties - BLUE or BROWN EYES. She declares the latter to be better and more intelligent and grants them privileges, privileges she denies to the blue eyed, deemed to be worse, less intelligent and lower qualified.
Cast and Crew
  • Director Bertram Verhaag
  • Director of Photography Waldemar Hauschild, Hans Albrecht Lusznat, Glenn Eddins
  • Editor Uwe Klimmeck
Original Languages



Production Company
DENKmal-Film Verhaag GmbH
Herzogstr. 97, 80796 München

Phone: +49 89 526601

Fax: +49 89 5234742

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