Welcome at Filmgalerie 451
on the 9.11. 09 we release the film THE INVISIBLE FRAME by Cynthia Beatt with Tilda Swinton as leading actress. The film will be released at the Arsenal Cinema in Berlin and on DVD as well as VOD at the same time. If you are interested please follow the appropriate link.
english version without subtitles
with Russian-subtitles
with Portuguese-subtitles
with Spanish-subtitles
with French-subtitles
with German-subtitles
with Arabic-subtitles
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Filmgalerie 451 produces, distributes and publishes films which take risks regarding form and content. Many of the directors working with us are outsiders in film business, who seek their innovative ways off the beaten track. Among them are 'classics' of German cinema like Werner Schroeter and Roland Klick, experiments by Christoph Schlingensief and Heinz Emigholz, as well as young cinema by Ulrich Köhler, Angela Schanelec, Robert Schwentke and the films of the Filmgalerie 451 founders Irene von Alberti and Frieder Schlaich.
Film Production
With our first feature production 'Paul Bowles-Half moon', which received various awards and had great theatrical success, in 1995 our film production started out in the basement of the Filmgalerie 451-video rental in Stuttgart. Since we moved to Berlin, Saarbrücker Straße, in 2005, we intensified our film production activities and shot the movies 'Stadt als Beute', 'The African Twintowers', 'Making Of - Kamikaze', 'Tangerine' and 'Diese Nacht'.
The Video label sprang from requests for special films in our video store. The first two VHS-releases (in 1992!) were 'Das Deutsche Kettensägenmassaker' by Christoph Schlingensief and 'Die Rache einer Frau' by Jacques Doillon.
In the past two years our DVD programme has developped especially well, and despite a highly competitive video market, we could publish exactly the films that mean something to us, latest relaeses as well as older films.
Film distribution
After good experiences with some cinema releases like 'Windows on Monday' and 'Schindler's Houses' we will extend our distribution activities now. With our concept of small, handpicked releases with few prints only we want to adress a specific audience.
With this step we will be able to control our films from production until DVD- and online-exhibition. This does not mean, that we will only relaese our own productions, they will, however, be the core of our programme. In larger-scale releases we will be colaborating with NEUE VISIONEN Film distribution.
Another focus of our distribution activities will be on our past releases by Roland Klick, Christoph Schlingensief or Heinz Emigholz, which are shown on festivals and retrospectives worldwide.
Video stores
Everything began small in February 1987 with the video store 'Filmgalerie 451' in Stuttgart in Gymnasiumstraße 52. Summer 2001 we opened our second store in Berlin in Torstraße. Since then both stores have been run by old-time like-minded partners, in close colaboration, but independent from 'Filmgalerie 451' Film production.

Filmgalerie 451
Saarbrücker Straße 24
10405 Berlin | Germany
Phone: +49 30 33982800
Fax: +49 30 33982810