C Cay Wesnigk Film was founded by the Director Producer C. Cay Wesnigk as an owner run company in 1987 to produce his own films. In the last 35 years we have also produced or co-produced the films of other Directors that have asked us for support.
Cay Wesnigk (born 1962) studied visual communication at the University of Arts in Hamburg. 1987 he founded the C. Cay Wesnigk Filmproduktion. Since then he has written, directed and produced several feature length and short films. These have all been shown on television, some also have been distributed in cinemas and some also in the video home market. Most of Wesnigks films have been shown and some even have been awarded on festivals all over the world.
You can find a list of his films, trailers, downloads and more information on his work as a director and producer at the German-documentaries website
Since 1990 with the beginning of Digital- vs. Analog-Film, Wesnigk started to collect historic or soon to be historic films under the label: CounterClockWise Film & Archive
His collection has now over 20.000 Films from the time between 1922 and 1990. It spans over the Weimar Republic, the third Reich and the two German Republics after 1945. It contains, documentaries, industry films, commercials and amateurfilms. The footage contains images and scnenes from all over the world since Germans always liked to travel. Sometimes with helmets and in field grey, sometimes with funny hats white socks and a mens purse, but often witn a camera to tell of their adventures back home.
The collection is based in Lübeck in northern Germany and can supply footage for all kinds of projects regarding the past 100 yearsl
Please contact us if you want to know if we have something for your project as well.
Wesnigk was member of the board of AG DOK, Germany’s largest community of independent documentary filmmakers (www.agdok.de betweeen 1994 and 2022 and also represented the Filmmakers in the board of VG Bild-Kunst, the German collecting society for creative Artists and Producers of films till 2022 (www.bild-kunst.de).
Wesnigk also served some time as board member of the EDN - European documentary Network (discontinued) . And FERA www filmdirectors.eu

CounterClockWise - C. Cay Wesnigk Film & Archiv
Heisterbusch 3
23611 Bad Schwartau | Germany
Phone: +49 451 282286
Fax: +49 451 282223