with three German documentary productions:

THE CONGO TRIBUNAL, 100min by Milo Rau, original French, English, German, Swahiliversion with English, French or German subtitles "The most ambitious piece of political theatre ever stage" The Guardian

LE CIEL, LA TERRE ET L’HOMME, 70min by Caroline Reucker, student of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH conveys impressions of the perpetually windswept Moroccan desert, as well as of the people living there. We encounter Ahmed, Yussef, Lahcen, and Idir, follow their stories and witness their daily lives, their desires and their sense of belonging. 

WHAT HAS TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED! 12min43sec by Irina Linke visited a photographer's studio in Sanaa. It is here that family photographs are taken, which are meant for the walls of the living room for friends and strangers to see.

 The program of the 6th edition of KOUDOUGOU DOC April 23 - 27, 2019.


 And a workshop supported by german films and GOETHE INSTITUT Burkina Faso