by Gerd Kroske


Germany | 2009 | 95:00 min

Original Title:

Formal Categories

History Politics
Dokuentarfilm über die Terrorabwehr mit Grenzschranken und dem Fluch des dt. Ingenieursgeistes
In the 80's, new border barrier systems were used in the former GDR. The escape attempts with cars towards West Germany increased. Metal workers and Stasi (Ministry for State Security) are working hand in hand for the defence against “terrorism” in order to prevent escape attempts. In conspiratorial work they created new barriers after their actual working hours. Crash tests for the defence against terrorism, collisions for the case of emergency. Cars crashing into the new barricades, leaving a total loss. From the
mid-80s those barriers were installed at all border crossing points.
The film is about the motivation of all who were involved, from tragic ending escapes and gives insight into the German engineering ingenuity and the military spirit. Pure GDR archeology
Original dialogue::
Question: „Why did they use cars from West Germany for their tests?”
Answer: „In a Trabant automobile, it would have been a futile attempt already thwarted by the wire mesh."
2009 Duisburger Filmwoche - Duisburg
Cast and Crew
  • Director Gerd Kroske
  • Screenwriter Gerd Kroske
  • Director of Photography  Susanne Schüle
  • Editor Karin Gerda Schöning
Director's Statement
A few years ago, I found photographs. Black and white photographs of tests on military ground in south of Berlin. If the pictures were brought in an order, they told a story. They tested barriers; probably for GDR border crossings. The symbolic destruction captivated me immediately. You could see collisions for the case of emergency. Crash test dummies in the service of defence against terrorism. Today the encounter with people who had been involved, is the revival of a German mentality that seems to appear timeless. For me, it all has the dimension of a tragic parable, which further extends into our lives today.
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